Example sentences of "had [vb pp] it [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And as she stood at the window she seemed to hear again , as clearly as she had heard it two days before , the sound of Henrietta screaming .
2 They had heard it some time before they reached it , the rumble of thunder growing louder as they approached , to become almost deafening at the point where a cloud of spray hovered overhead , the droplets becoming tiny rainbows as they caught the sun .
3 The war , far from finishing off the machine of modernity , had given it new life .
4 Pugin 's advocacy of the Gothic as a Christian , not pagan , architecture , had given it moral overtones .
5 ‘ Love , ’ she said , promptly , for she had given it some thought .
6 One obvious problem about the regent 's earlier policy of marrying her daughter to the dauphin is why leading Scottish Protestants like lord James Stewart and John Erskine of Dun had not only accepted this symbolic and political consolidation of the alliance with Catholic France , but had given it positive support , being among those who negotiated it .
7 Moltke , by reinforcing his left wing at the expense of his right , had given it sufficient strength to resist attack but insufficient to mount a crushing counter-attack .
8 And then later on , oh and then she was going to see room bookings and try to find me another dining hall cos I said it 's pretty late notice , and she said oh no , it 's a week and I thought well I had booked it two months ago .
9 She had discarded it several years ago , as being much fuller than she really liked , but everything came into its own , she reflected , for every article purchased she took pride in finding an eventual use .
10 I had noticed it several times since I left the Monogram Building .
11 Gran had noticed it three evenings ago , when they were getting the breakfast things ready , and had pushed it behind one of the geraniums as if she did n't like the sight of it .
12 She had seen it that morning , black and sleek , leaving hardly a ripple behind it , slipping silently away on the morning tide .
13 The ticket collector had seen it many times and would see it many times more before the railways returned to normal .
14 Although he had done it countless times before there was always a risk involved , especially since the introduction of guard dogs trained to sniff out illegal stowaways like himself .
15 He had done it many times before .
16 By the time she had done it several times , and copied out the postscript , and redone the drawing , it sounded false to her and she lost her nerve completely .
17 Harry had done it ten years ago ( 37 ) b .
18 ‘ If you go for a soldier ’ — she had said it fifty times — it will stop us getting wed .
19 He had said it several times before and we had stopped believing him .
20 If Poland was backward it was not because the Poles wanted it so , but because Germany and the other partitioning powers had made it that way , and because the Allies had failed to provide the necessary capital to finance Poland to do the job they required .
21 I had visited it last year out of curiosity .
22 Ward had bought it four years earlier with part of the advance on one of his books .
23 If for example the result of acoustic front end processing on the word actually was out by a single feature , ( either through error , or just because the speaker had pronounced it that way ) , and reported the string the match would fail , even if the information following the allowed the word actually to be hypothesized with a fair degree of confidence .
24 A small ensemble of four viole da braccio plus continuo suggests the trot , canter , and gallop of Tancred 's horse , the fall of night , the clash of swords , the fury of the combatants ( by rapidly repeated chords , an instrumental effect which disconcerted the players although Biagio Marini had employed it seven years before ) , 2l and their infighting with sword-pommels , helmets , and shields ( by another novel effect : pizzicato chords ) .
25 Sleepless in Scotland she had walked it many times in her mind .
26 And Bill had cooked it last night and it were really nice , I bought it last week .
27 He was terrified of the Sultan , but for his own safety decided the best policy was to cling to the Tughluk 's fingertips ‘ and every time he said any encouraging word to me I kissed his hand , until I had kissed it seven times . ’
28 Miss Ross said her sister had kept a personal protection gun at home previously but had returned it some time ago to the Maze for safekeeping .
29 Indeed he had changed it several times a day while the crucial events were occurring .
30 It had started out as a ship 's boiler but Selwyn had acquired it some years before to ensure a plentiful supply of soft water for his garden .
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