Example sentences of "had [vb pp] the next [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He moved and the slaves cowered back , as if , thought Nuadu , they had witnessed the next part before and feared it even more than the mutilating of the boy .
2 She saw then he had lifted the next tray from the box .
3 Alas , many others had already made their judgment on the flimsy evidence of that supposed phone call … and had found the next King guilty .
4 Everybody else would realise what had happened the next day , or the day after that .
5 He had left the next Phoenix King with a strong army , a secure line of fortresses in the north and the most powerful navy in the world .
6 Obviously , I had started the next craze .
7 So Edna Porritt , comfortable and cheerful , had taken the next train from Penzance and was now , for an unspecified period , easing Brian 's worries considerably .
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