Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They had , they had witnessed him casting out demons , they had heard his teaching , they were familiar with Jesus , they had every reason to be , to have faith in him , he says , what has happened to your faith ?
2 Today — no , last night , she had realised she wanted more from life than that .
3 Countess Cassillis said she believed that the jury may have been influenced by a crucial piece of evidence which was submitted only yesterday morning after the judge had completed his summing up .
4 Mr Hall said Miss Scott had explained she did not give notification of her mother 's death because she was afraid the authorities would discover the conditions in which they had been living .
5 She had heard them come in very late .
6 This was not a song he had heard her sing before .
7 And he knew she was next door because he had heard her moving about .
8 He had heard it drop off and roll away .
9 She had heard it spoken long ago .
10 Not only had Margrida assumed that Simon was her boyfriend , but Celeste had clearly thought the same yesterday — and just now a hearty , middle-aged Dalgety executive had stopped her to say how fortunate their new driver was to have such a pretty and successful young lady as his amor .
11 He believed he was as beautiful as ever when he looked into the glass , but perhaps the AIDS scare had stopped them picking up older men in bars .
12 If the policeman had stopped him getting close to where Harry had been shot to death then Erlich might just have punched him .
13 The old guard who had stopped us talking before ambled past the wire on the outside .
14 He had stopped his pacing now and sat down again opposite to her .
15 At the back of her hair , the white silk flowers and pearls of the hairslide Nightingale had given her gleamed softly beneath her veil .
16 They visited the people who had given him presents so that he could thank them personally .
17 As they drove out of town , along the quiet roads to the country , it became clear to Juliet that the brandy and soda her father had given him had n't been Nigel 's first drink of the evening .
18 He had the drive and determination that Macmillan sought , and his time in the Ministry of Supply had given him experience in , and a fascination for , advanced technology in weapon development .
19 ‘ That 's true , ’ he agreed , and Anne who had joined them said consolingly to Sarah , ‘ Maybe the war will be over soon anyway , and Terry will see Mum . ’
20 Bill Clinton lamented that , in his first 100 days , people had expected him to do too much too soon .
21 The question surprised her as she had expected him to pick up on her insult .
22 ‘ All right , ’ I had said listlessly , disconcerting my mother considerably , since I was perfectly aware that she had expected me to turn down this preposterous proposal with as much intractability as I had turned down the others .
23 The Lord Llewellyn had expected them to act inside , but there was no way in which the pageant could be brought in through the doors .
24 He had expected her to drift away , but of all the people connected with that unhappy time in his life , she was the one who stayed .
25 For the first time since my balls had dropped I felt wholly in the moment , unafflicted by my meddlesome internal projectionist .
26 He had let himself fall in with her will , and had not seen that she had no will , but was calling , alone , for a friend .
27 Twice he had let her come up for air , so that it would take longer , but the third time he had held her under until she was finished .
28 Whatever else he had left her , Ember ( the name was oddly freighted with inferences of his mass , his power , the clean safe smell of him ) had let her know indirectly that they were a threat .
29 Sara wished she had not been so petty when Fairfax had called , and had let him go on thinking it was Matthew 's old family house .
30 It was an hour later that they came back and by then the Jewish family had let me know exactly what was happening in Germany , and my game had become rather more serious .
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