Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [prep] his [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The blast — triggered when Alan lit his gas oven — had ripped off his clothes .
2 This was a quite remarkable transformation in a man who only two years before had talked of dying : neither fame nor literary achievement had brought him any contentment , and in the end it was human love , the love that he had dismissed in his writings as the consolation only of ordinary men , that rescued him from a lifetime of misery and isolation .
3 It was this , more than the death , more than the coldness of his father 's cheek , that broke the ice that had formed about his feelings .
4 A smile had formed on his lips , and it seemed to Jessica to be a rueful one .
5 Holmes had jumped to his feet .
6 Halfway through the journal he had jumped to his feet — he was ready to rush out of the room , to find Havvie Blaine , to kill him for what he had done to her , and for lying about it afterwards .
7 In his first act as a father , Vitor had arranged for his labourers to build a sandpit at the edge of the terrace and opposite her workshop .
8 Within ten minutes , Woodrow Wilson had consulted with his chiefs of staff in the war room , and decided to go ahead with the contingency plan .
9 Ashton had tried to see him out after that , and even wanted to shake hands with him , but Steven had spat at his feet and made a rude sign at him .
10 Now , watching his grinning monkey face as he swung , arm over arm , the frantic twisting of his body , the silver of the delicate ribcage under the pale flesh where the jacket had parted from his jeans , she felt a surge of love so painful that it was like a thrust to the heart .
11 Both The Cloud of Unknowing and Walter Hilton suggest that some people who had read Rolle 's work or who had heard about his experiences were almost breaking all bounds in order to encounter something similar themselves and were , consequently , damaging themselves as well as wasting their time .
12 Before long many people from far and wide had heard about his successes , and doctors and specialists began to send him some of their patients .
13 She was muttering to herself about it crossly , and nearly cannoned into Travis , who had stopped in his tracks at the sounds issuing from behind him .
14 But by the end of last year Mr Yanagitani had lost so much money that he was unable to honour the investment guarantees he had given to his clients .
15 Flavia Sherman brushed away a strand of hair that had fallen across his eyes and smiled fondly at him .
16 Von Stein had fallen to his knees , and stared dazedly about him at the ruined lab .
17 He really had fallen on his feet , and if only Jane would look more kindly on him , they 'd both be set for life .
18 He seemed to have grown older , more mature — as if his brother 's burden of kingship had fallen on his shoulders also .
19 Moreover , he had added to his possessions a piece of luggage of inestimable value for now - and for the next 30 or so years : his Olivetti 22 portable typewriter , which he had bought in London for £40 , no small investment for those days .
20 He had misjudged the situation , and if he had added to his problems , it was his own fault .
21 For the first time in months the cloud had lifted from his spirits , the tightness in his stomach vanished .
22 The external economic relations commissioner , Sir Leon Brittan , welcomed Mr Clinton 's commitment to successful completion of the Uruguay Round , which he said he had expected after his talks with US officials in Washington last week .
23 Jimmy had dropped to his knees and was hugging his head , when the noise suddenly snapped out of existence .
24 Hearing her voice , he laughed , feeling as though a hundred years had dropped from his shoulders .
25 During the 1970s Lima had at least four times been the object of investigations by parliamentary commissions which had looked into his connections , as a member of local government , with the local construction sector in the 1960s .
26 This was the traditional mooring place for dahabeeyahs and in the old days , before Mr Cook had come with his steamers , there would have been over two hundred of them nudging the bank .
27 The Crown 's case against L was that it could be inferred that the stolen property had come to his premises with his knowledge and by prior arrangement and therefore was in his control and possession ; and that he was therefore guilty of burglary or handling .
28 Three weeks later Lavender had died of puerperal fever , but long before that Legh had come to his senses .
29 And now that Wang Sau-leyan had come to his senses they would be strong again .
30 The reason for the exultation , the explanation of how this sense of craving had been mollified and a sense of sexual peace bestowed on the lyrics was simple : Marianne had come into his arms ; that golden apparition of loveliness , that lithe , sensuous , intelligent being of intuition and sympathy ; a gift of the gods to rank — and outrank — anything so far told in the surrounding mythology of his adopted Greek homeland !
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