Example sentences of "had [vb pp] [prep] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 It was a standard interview room and the only non-regulation items to break the monotony of tube-legged table and chairs were the cigarettes , lighter and an ashtray advertising Tuborg lager which Malpass had placed in front of himself .
2 He brought an action against the chairman and secretary of the club , as officers of the club , claiming that they were liable for the injuries he had sustained by reason of the condition of the club 's premises .
3 Le Monde of Sept. 29 quoted Djohar as alleging that Mohamed Taki Abdoulkarim , whom he had dismissed as head of government on July 4 [ see p. 38996 ; for his appointment in January 1992 see pp. 38706-07 ] , was behind the Sept. 26 coup attempt .
4 Reports indicated that more than 100,000 demonstrators had gathered in front of Georgian party and government headquarters ; many factories were on strike as well as the local television , and troops and armoured personnel carriers were on duty .
5 She could believe that this was the creature that had floated inside her — yes , like a starry astronaut in his liquid capsule , attached to his red life-support cable — she had pored over photographs of embryos and imagined him a hundred times .
6 In the Romalpa case , not only was the seller entitled , as owner , to the unmixed goods which the buyer had not sold , but the seller was also entitled to the proceeds of the sale which the buyer had received from sub-sales of unmixed goods .
7 A person would only be liable as a constructive trustee of money he had received in payment of a commercial liability , and which had already passed through his hands , if it was possible to show that he knew that the money was misapplied trust money because he had actual knowledge of the breach of trust or he had wilfully shut his eyes to the obvious or had wilfully or recklessly failed to make inquiries that an honest and reasonable man would have made .
8 Others may be in positions of trust not directly derived from full-time occupation , such as scout masters — SCOUT LEADER 'S CAMPING SHAME ( Star ) — as well as those in less formal and less-easily recognisable roles ; the headline Sex shame of ‘ uncle' ( Daily Mirror ) and text ( ‘ a mild-mannered clerk known by schoolboy train fans as Uncle Roland … took boys in the Rail Riders ’ Club on trips in Britain and Europe ’ ) shows how some offenders had eased into positions of trust with youngsters .
9 Someone had stopped in front of her .
10 He invited Patrick to sit down in the hall and took him in detail through events from the moment the car had stopped in front of the house .
11 They had of course heard of the ‘ Vallar plan ’ , and had joined in discussions of it at various stages .
12 The official welcoming party had congregated in front of the limousines , talking amongst themselves .
13 She said that the baby had suffered a fit , and she had fallen on top of him .
14 ‘ Valerie , ’ the editor of the Mail on Sunday said to me once , after I had filed a neat and convincing piece on an earthquake the ground had trembled beneath me in Rome , where Lou was playing with the London Symphonic and a wall had fallen on top of me and trapped me for two hours — ‘ you are the mistress of controlled reportage .
15 The chair was slipping , although its first speed had been checked by the fact that she had fallen in front of the wheels .
16 I was explaining that we had fallen in need of a housekeeper and an under-butler at one and the same time and Miss Kenton had arrived — with unusually good references , I recall — to take up the former post .
17 Ghozali , in announcing his resignation on July 8 , had spoken of " forces who were working behind the scenes … stemming from positions which they had won inside sectors of the administration , economy , enterprise , the mass media and politics " .
18 When Harriet had telephoned with news of the birth , Liza 's mother-in-law had quickly passed her over to her husband .
19 By the end of the fifteenth century many chantries had served their term : some had dissolved through lack of maintenance on the part of the families concerned , while others disappeared through amalgamation ; so that by the time of the suppression there were not more than 200 spread among the City churches .
20 Fred said when they had dropped into Jacksons of Piccadilly to buy Daisy some out-of-season strawberries that they had n't thought of in Fortnum 's .
21 Three of these had let off part of their land , and five others had rented some themselves .
22 I had to lift my gaze from the old dashboard that I had sat in front of for more than sixty years to a new one , and the only new one I knew of displayed the dials and instruments of what is called holistic medicine and which at that time I took to be something I knew virtually nothing about .
23 He had sat in front of her , in the square little room which was used as a study , as if he were the suppliant , and had seen her sharp little eyes , black as currants , move round the room , noting the gaps in the shelves where Father Kendrick 's leatherbound volumes had been stacked , the meagre rug in front of the gas fire , his few prints stacked against the wall .
24 Finally , June announced that Beryl Smith had resigned as Chairman of the Training Committee to take some sabbatical leave .
25 The Social Democratic Republican Party ( PRDS ) , the party with closest links to President Moaouia Ould Sidi Taya , was led by Sid Ahmed Ould Baba , who had resigned as Minister of Interior , Posts and Communications in July .
26 It was reported on April 8 that Michel Mokuba Bokulo Mena , who had been appointed in the Cabinet reshuffle on March 28 , had resigned as Minister of Institutional Reforms apparently after disagreeing with the Prime Minister .
27 Fresh elections here would be contested on Oct. 11 , and the Middle East Economic Digest of Oct. 9 reported that 26 candidates had come forward , including Faris Buwayz , who had resigned as Minister of Foreign and Expatriate Affairs in late August in protest at the elections .
28 Among those elected was Faris Buwayz , who had resigned as Minister of Foreign and Expatriate Affairs in August in protest at the elections .
29 Dhanabalan , an ally of Goh , had resigned as Minister of National Development in September 1992 .
30 It was announced on Nov. 7 that William Bennett had resigned as Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy .
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