Example sentences of "had [adv] be [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 They had presumably been drawn to Bologna as students and had stayed there to carve themselves out a teaching or professional career .
2 Their contents had mostly been removed to Germany .
3 He had convened a pan-African conference in Kumasi in 1953 but that had necessarily been limited to consultation .
4 I wanted to improve the world , to deliver into man 's hands some of those powers which had hitherto been ascribed to a snivelling and fictitious God !
5 An unemployment rate well in excess of what had hitherto been considered to be a stable NAIRU was failing to produce sustained reductions in the rate of inflation beyond the initial impact effect of the fall in aggregate demand .
6 At the IMF 's suggestion , the government was to consider introducing burley as a cash crop for small farmers ; production had hitherto been restricted to commercial estates .
7 The bacon and the cheese had all been transferred to the room-sized storage refrigerator behind the shop , and while her husband was out of the way Rennie Hamilton loaded all the groceries into the canvas bag and did a quick addition on the list and noted the amount on the end of the growing column in the credit book .
8 An official statement said that the functions of the departments of public works , labour and employment , local government , environment and natural resources , tourism , science and technology and social services had all been transferred to the Autonomous Regional Government .
9 When they had all been seen to , and no call had come from the complex , Dr Rafaelo summoned Shelley to follow him .
10 The subjects in Mattila 's study had all been admitted to hospital for acute myocardial infarction .
11 Swirling snowclouds and rain strengthened the illusion that there was no outside world anymore , and that they had all been transported to some frozen Hell .
12 Anne and Sarah , Terry and Stephen had all been promoted to the ballroom and Anne said to Sarah , ‘ I 'm trying to persuade our Joe to come .
13 Previously it had only been expected to be able to offer a 16-way system in its first go-round .
14 According to Xinhua Shultz quoted Chinese leaders as saying that missiles had only been sold to Saudi Arabia , despite reports of sales to Iran [ see pp. 35160 ; 35966 ; 36671 ] , Libya and Syria [ see p. 36180 ] .
15 For some reason Papa 's permission , which had stubbornly been denied to the lawyer 's requests all these months , had lately been given .
16 He was out of breath , had obviously been dispatched to Heathrow in a hurry in case Adam turned up there .
17 Katrina had obviously been assigned to ‘ Dorothy watch ’ .
18 In any case , it seems inevitable that the development of the mechanical clock should have been primarily due to the Church for , although the transmission of power by rope and pulley had long been known to craftsmen , the mathematics of gear-trains ( particularly astronomical trains ) was known only to the highly educated , and their education was provided only by the Church .
19 The Padovani family had long been known to John Coffin since they had once run a restaurant near where he had lodged as a young detective .
20 The Führer 's claim that his work had been sabotaged for years , and that the German war machine could run at full stretch now that the last plot had been foiled , was seen to demonstrate that the people had long been lied to in earlier statements that time was on Germany 's side and war production increasing .
21 Down below the functioning factory levels , however , ancient levels of the hive had long been abandoned to dereliction .
22 Park manager Paul Weston said the rabbits had apparently been battered to death .
23 But this bridging paper had apparently been shown to , and agreed with , the Israeli negotiators before it was shown to the Palestinians .
24 She had apparently been travelling to Godstowe and must therefore have been expected .
25 The walkers delivered copies of letters which had already been mailed to the embassy giving details of the concern raised by Amnesty in appeals featured in the 30th Anniversary campaign .
26 Delegates were informed that an encouraging number of responses had already been received to the search for sponsoring organisations , and there was every prospect that the chair would be established in 1992 .
27 The warning came from the all party , defence select committee , whose Conservative chairman said the country 's defence capability had already been pared to the bone .
28 At the coronation , which took place in Moscow at the end of August 1856 , Levshin , the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs , quizzed gentry representatives from many parts of the empire on the question of emancipation and found sympathy for the idea only among the north-westerners whose feelings on the matter had already been communicated to the tsar .
29 Some dubbed it a cosmetic exercise which did not go far enough and said too many concessions had already been made to industry .
30 However , messages had already been sent to Kinghorn instructing the purveyor to be on the beach with horses ready for the King , hours before the Council convened .
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