Example sentences of "had [adv] [vb pp] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Corbett had rarely seen such beauty .
2 The National Rifle Association , the powerful lobby which had successfully blocked most gun controls , announced its support for a national computerised system to check prospective gun-buyers for possible criminal records .
3 Both Anglicans and Nonconformists had successfully controlled many school boards since their establishment in 1870 , assisted by the low turn-outs in school board elections .
4 The organisation he had so painstakingly built up had successfully weathered several crises over the past week .
5 Wheeler , who was junior to them both , who had contrived to have the best set of rooms in the office and who had successfully requested both men to wait on him , cleared his throat to announce that he was ready to start the discussion .
6 Afterwards , when he [ Chlothar ] had gladly received these titles from his older brother [ Childebert ] , he considered in his own kingdom what ought to be added there , and what further should be included , and he ordered clauses 84 to 63 [ for 93 ? ] to be fixed .
7 I imagined Perkin threading along that trail at night , following the paint quite easily as he 'd been that way already in daylight , and being secretly pleased with himself because if he had inadvertently left any traces of his passage the first time they could be explained away naturally by the second .
8 President François Mitterrand came under attack both from the opposition and from within his own Socialist Party ( PS ) early in September for his ambivalent initial reaction to the Soviet coup against Mikhail Gorbachev ( although he had swiftly reversed this impression in a television appearance two days later ) .
9 Although the Critique had been intended to rescue Marxism from the sclerosis of Stalinism , Sartre found that his theory of history , far from explaining what had gone wrong when the most radical political theory turned out in practice to be one of the most oppressive , had rather shown why it had necessarily happened that way .
10 At his own suggestion , Reg said Singh had personally removed that clause from my contract with his nail clippers .
11 The protest vote theory , though valid , was not sufficient to explain why 2 million adults took the trouble to vote for organic smallholders and kindred green souls who had hitherto made little impression on the political scene .
12 Although the committee accepts the DTp 's contention that individual pollution accidents had hitherto had little effect , it believes that the rise in incidents in the crowded North Sea and English Channel is a serious " cause for concern " .
13 They had all reached that stage following a crisis , which can often be more difficult than the crisis itself , when it is no longer a matter of one superhuman push , but husbanding resources for an indeterminately prolonged period of stress .
14 No doubt they had all felt this melting ecstasy .
15 Malaya , the princely states of India , Fiji , Natal , the Gambia , had all experienced some form of indirect administration .
16 It had only sounded that way to his western ears — because the words had been Chinese !
17 Yes , they had been neighbours in Shrewsbury , but of course they had only seen each other during the school holidays , and of course they had n't made friends over some grotty little terrace-house garden fence ; he 'd first noticed her from the tree house in his parents ' garden while she was learning to ride her new pony in her parents ' ten acres of mature woodland and well-kept pasture .
18 The Railway had only sold this number of seats by mid-October last year .
19 She had risen this morning with the intention of going into town and meandering among the shops , perhaps treating herself to a new bonnet , or buying Cissie those pretty boots she had so admired some days ago when the two of them had walked up and down Ainsworth Street , browsing in all the shop-windows ; afterwards , Beth might have called in to the delightful tea rooms at the comer of the boulevard .
20 And she had so perfected this technique of politely disappearing , that she had to live almost half her life before she came to realize that she had almost disappeared to her own self !
21 ‘ Well , ’ I told him , ‘ Molly the cleaner wo n't want to do the chapel with a nude Madonna in it , so you had better put some clothes on her . ’
22 He fetched a soiled length of plough cord which had obviously seen much service and fastened it round the cow 's hock .
23 She had obviously made some attempt to tidy up .
24 They had obviously discovered some scrap to take with them , and it was him .
25 He told the Press that publicity surrounding the demonstration had obviously kept some constituents away because he usually met as many as 15 in Rhyl .
26 He and Sergeant Robins had obviously tried each other 's patience to the limits , but he cheered up at the sight of Dalgliesh and enquired with childish belligerence :
27 Something in his childhood had obviously prompted this remark .
28 It had to be possible , for someone else had obviously located that opening .
29 Shadwell had obviously spent many weekends on the Continent observing European theatre .
30 I remember an English don once coming to me at the end of a meeting , and saying that she had suddenly seen that evening in Jesus Christ the answer to the rather negative existentialist framework into which her life had been cast .
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