Example sentences of "had [adv] [vb pp] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The authorities had eventually allowed him in , but only to see a spokesman .
2 In the past , the facility had rarely let him down .
3 He had successfully stamped it out in his own country , and if he 'd been rather too hard on the jews at the same time , well why not ?
4 Exposed to Minton 's freewheeling , glamorous Bohemianism , some found it difficult afterwards to stand on their own feet , for Minton had effectively broken them away from their backgrounds or their jobs .
5 This patient was bound to be extremely distressed at finding that a male doctor had forcibly touched her intimately .
6 they had literally poured it off .
7 It was true that she had literally brought him back from the dead .
8 All those years ago they had thoughtfully placed it unusually low on the wall to make it easy for the child Maggie had then been to reach .
9 Free trade , it was argued , would at last give effect to the natural harmony which should exist between peoples and end the artificial and destructive tradition of political and dynastic division which had hitherto kept them apart .
10 After the third ‘ Carry On ’ , the cast had been offered a profit-sharing scheme — and had all turned it down on the advice of their agents , who thought they would be better off getting increased salaries .
11 He had tried to give her an injection but it had only made her more hysterical .
12 In fact , his parents had both been excruciatingly polite to her , but that had only made it even more obvious that she was n't the kind of wife they wanted for their clever , ambitious son .
13 It had been held every year since I was five , and I had only missed it once , the year I was in Nigeria .
14 ‘ It 's the first time we 've been banned anywhere , ’ said Barry , adding that singer Michael Stipe had been involved in the production of the video and that the rest of the band had only seen it once .
15 Although he had only met her briefly , he did not want to meet any more girls .
16 I had only met her once before the film brought us together , but I remember the occasion well .
17 Mum had only met him once and that was it .
18 She had only met them once and they had seemed a friendly and most devoted couple .
19 He had only met them once briefly at a party , but they remembered him effusively .
20 She 'd never liked them much ; in fact she had only kept them up so long because Mary Connon long ago , almost on her first visit to the house , had been openly patronizing about them .
21 Christina had only encountered it once before when he was hell-bent on buying Crystal Springs .
22 Bill had only parked it here a few minutes ago .
23 This time I left them alone , and stayed in the kitchen with little Hareton , but when I came to warn them that Hindley had returned , I realized that their quarrel had only brought them closer together .
24 Nenna 's character was faulty , but she had the instinct to see what made other people unhappy , and this instinct had only failed her once , in the case of her own husband .
25 She cheered up after writing the experiment because she had obviously done it rather well .
26 The receptionist had obviously recognised him too , had practically fallen over herself to bat her long dark eyelashes at him .
27 She had obviously forgiven him now for all those cruel but necessary things he had said when he dropped her the year before .
28 Billie had joined Lily and they had obviously hit it off .
29 She was climbing into a car and the camera had obviously taken her unawares .
30 Arriving home at half past twelve at night , Rachaela found it in the downstairs hall , another tenant had obviously taken it in .
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