Example sentences of "had [adv] [be] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The structure of universities in Germany , France , Britain and the USA was very different , but everywhere they were by the end of the century centres of scientific research , while at the beginning of it they had mostly been very marginal to it .
2 Even when she was tiny she had n't really thought of him that way , and when she was older , about thirteen , she had secretly been terribly proud in front of the other girls when Georg , who had never seemed to go through a spotty adolescent phase like other boys , used to wait for her outside school so that they could walk up the mountain road together .
3 He had perhaps been too long in high office , too isolated from discordant views by the well-oiled Birmingham machine to take full account of the volume of dissent .
4 Freud cites one young man in relation to his father and another in relation to his twin , as well as the main case , a young woman in relation to her mother : ‘ It , then , the girl became homosexual and left men to her mother ( in other words ‘ retired in favour of' ’ her mother ) , she would hitherto remove something which had hitherto been partly responsible for her mother 's dislike' ( ix .
5 Criticisms of Germany had hitherto been largely implicit in the philhellenic perspective .
6 As the Soviet authorities were still trying to restore order in the Transcaucasian republic of Azerbaijan following the violence there in January [ see below ; pp. 37168-70 ] , nationalist rioting erupted on Feb. 11 in Dushanbe , the capital of the Central Asian republic of Tadjikistan , which had hitherto been largely untouched by the nationalist or inter-ethnic unrest afflicting much of the southern Soviet Union .
7 The government found it necessary to try to impose a centrally determined framework on what had hitherto been entirely local , and often monastic , charitable initiatives .
8 In all the paintings the deviations from traditional perspective , which in landscape painting had hitherto been only slight , are carried to new lengths .
9 Competing in the free market of air fares had catapulted Branson into the rarefied area of government policy and international relations , and helped to define what had hitherto been purely instinctive beliefs in a more rigid ideological context .
10 There was n't a great deal else to remember because it had all been pretty damn straightforward .
11 The boys and I agreed that it had all been so worthwhile .
12 It seemed as though she had hardly done anything , it had all been so simple .
13 It had all been so simple until now .
14 It had all been so fast , she could hardly believe what had happened .
15 So , after that , he had decided to leave Salamanca for good and return to the United States by way of England , to say a final goodbye to me and my mother in the house where we had all been so happy at Christmas .
16 It had all been so flimsy that Pascoe had hesitated about presenting it to Dalziel .
17 It had all been very simple .
18 It had all been very tame .
19 Mr Bleasdale said the pool was chosen because it had ‘ every facility known to man ’ and added the staff had all been very helpful as had the mothers and toddlers from the Colchester area employed as extras .
20 It had all been too fast .
21 There particularly , a number of communities which had only been partially viable now began to disintegrate .
22 She realised that she had only been half alive for the last four years .
23 He and Kelly had only been together five minutes but the photographs brought back the full nightmarish shame of it all .
24 Twenty-eight days later they were back — they had only been as far as Mugu .
25 Perhaps if your uncle had only been home more often … ’
26 But she had only been there four months when she fell prey to supervisor Brian McConville who subjected her to a harrowing sexual harassment ordeal .
27 At night , she still dreamt of the endless drugged hours she had spent jolting and rolling in the darkness of the car-boot , the hours of motion on land and sea of which she had only been dimly aware .
28 When the Community seemed to be their only option , the Greeks thought they had better be thoroughly Community-minded .
29 He was puzzled , and she knew she had better be very careful about giving lectures on health to the customers .
30 Karelius said , ‘ The good news had better be damned good . ’
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