Example sentences of "had [adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There was fierce controversy surrounding the conference 's decision on April 22 to invite , as guests , members of the 1981 Solidarity leadership who had since split away from the union — most notably the former national co-ordinating commission member Andrzej Gwiazda , who had left after accusing Solidarity 's chairman , Lech Walesa , of generating a personality cult .
2 Furious , he got up to complain to his neighbour , only to discover that it was his own dog which he had accidently shut outside before going to bed .
3 It would be an illogical result , I think , if the paragraph gave a protection to a widow which the court had expressly taken away from her deceased husband , on whose tenancy she relies , that tenancy having been brought to a suspended end by the order for possession .
4 They were confronted , by contrast , by Prime Ministers of the calibre of Pitt the Younger and by the time Victoria ascended the throne executive power had effectively shifted away from the throne and into the Cabinet room .
5 However , if Europeans were exasperated with Carter , many had little liking either for the man who beat him in the November presidential elections .
6 ‘ Citizen ’ John , ‘ a little Stout Man with dark cropt Hair ’ , carried with him a dangerous reputation as an atheist , a mob orator and a Jacobin , and in 1794 had spent several months in the Tower of London before being tried and acquitted on a charge of high treason.l– His relationship with Coleridge had hitherto depended entirely on their animated and frequently argumentative correspondence .
7 Liz , like a pale convent girl too long mewed up , went wild in her first year , as she discovered the world of parties she had hitherto known only by reading and by hearsay : in those days , such was the imbalance between the sexes , women were much in demand as status symbols , as sleeping partners , as lovers , as party ballast , and Liz went out a great deal , her appearance improving dramatically as she did so .
8 But as a case for a ‘ radical extension ’ of industrial democracy by means requiring the assumption by unreformed trade unions of rights which had hitherto attached only to ownership , it merits at this point no more than a suspended judgment at best .
9 They had all gone away to be professionally stripped .
10 I was sure I could cope but the CF clinic people had all gone home by the time I realised I could n't manage — ’
11 The rest of the so-called queen 's bishops had all suffered acutely from Edward 's tyranny , and even some of the others had been the targets of at least his threats .
12 The main Moslem militias had all withdrawn well before this deadline , ( Druse ) Progressive Socialist Party ( PSP ) fighters moving south to their Chouf mountain stronghold , and the rival Shia groups Amal and Hezbollah deploying even further south to the Iqlim al-Tuffah hills and other areas bordering Israel 's self-declared " security zone " .
13 Simply expressed , the set-up as it was , as it was said to be , and as it was said it should be , had all pulled apart in a way that called for change .
14 Even though they had all agreed beforehand to the principle of a supranational institution , the six states of ‘ little ’ Europe — France , West Germany , Italy , Belgium , the Netherlands and Luxembourg — faced nine months of hard bargaining after they formally began negotiations in June 1950 .
15 He knew that he 'd been close , but then somehow it had all slipped away from him ; when Alina had n't come out and the three of them had finally gone into the building , it was to find incomprehension from the woman who lived alone and an empty flat where she said she 'd gone for help .
16 Until now the commanders had all reported upward to the Shah , who himself made all decisions .
17 They had all figured prominently in the election manifesto of the Labour party at the time .
18 On one site the author recalls contacting the oldest locals , who advised that a site had only flooded once in living memory and they were only too pleased to point out a ’ flood line ’ still just visible on a number of buildings in the area after 30 years .
19 Just as Ella had cared for the poor and the prostitute whom no one had wanted to know so Eva began to appreciate feelings she had only known before in her work in Africa .
20 In Lucien 's family , they had only come together at the times appointed by the Church : meals , various holidays , family councils and those mysterious , Church-nominated occasions when children were conceived .
21 Luckily Mike Farquharson who had only come offshore for two days and ended up staying a week , volunteered to cover until my colleague Jim Gibb arrived . ’
22 Fear , real fear , is something I had only experienced once in my life , and that , strangely enough , was not on the round-the-world race , but in my own little boat , and in my own waters off Blakeney .
23 After a few days the household would be creeping around ‘ not to disturb Dad ’ who was sulking in his room bored to death with his family , and the children would be trying to comfort a depressed and weeping Mum who had so looked forward to her handsome popular brilliant husband 's return and did n't know what she had done wrong .
24 She had better do so by April 10 or it will be too late . ’
25 Come to that , it had better go straight into the soiled linen .
26 ‘ I think we had better go inside for some explanations , ’ he said with a sigh .
27 Pilger told him they had better get together for a serious talk the minute he got off the plane .
28 If the Home Secretary does not want the Bill to do serious damage to internal discipline in prisons , resulting in matters that should be dealt with by internal disciplinary procedures going to court and taking up the time of the criminal justice system — making it far more difficult for prison governors to run their prisons — he had better look again at that clause and amend it .
29 You two girls had better keep away from that part of the world while they 're about .
30 ( Miss Labrooy had obviously pleaded eloquently on Harry 's behalf . )
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