Example sentences of "had [pron] [noun] [vb pp] on " in BNC.

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1 I had my heart set on a soft-top — preferably a Corvette or a Mustang — and I was n't going to let a spot of bracing weather stand in my way .
2 But I had my heart set on training a bird .
3 It was , but he had the sheet in front of him , which had my targets set on it .
4 The more severe PMS , the more likely it is to be noticed — over 20% had their behaviour commented on by colleagues .
5 At the same time the contemporary composers Satie , Auric , Honegger , Poulenc , Milhaud and Germaine Taillefer had their works played on the piano by the Brazilian pianist Ricardo Vines .
6 The idea of destroying the Rainbow Warrior would have pleased both MI6 and the British government since they dislike organisations like CND and Greenpeace who hold very vocal anti-nuclear views , and already had their members listed on MI5 files and regularly tapped their telephones .
7 In consequence , those defendants had their convictions quashed on appeal .
8 With regret I decided it was too risky for a party of cadets to accompany me — any way the island boys had their sights set on the night life of Fort William .
9 Joiners of yesteryear had their names stamped on their wooden planes and saw handles .
10 Hundreds more , uncharged , had their names entered on the LAPD gang roster for future surveillance .
11 They demanded a re-trial claiming their clients had noticed members of the bench had their eyes closed on the opening day of the hearing .
12 Some of the dealers clearly had their eyes cocked on the coming Biennale des Antiquaires , and were holding back their best pieces .
13 She had her heart set on it . ’
14 Was n't it hard enough on that poor child to know no parents , to be totally disowned by her relations up in Westlands , to be brought up an orphan in the convent in second-hand clothes , and sent to a secretarial course when she had her heart set on going to university without being mown down by a car on her first week .
15 Barbra , 50 , had her heart set on property in California until she found out it was in the path of the killers which are slowly migrating north from South America where 600 people have been stung to death .
16 A 57-year-old woman who tried to help her was grabbed by the throat and had her head smashed on railings until she was nearly unconscious .
17 However , she had her sights fixed on higher things than the University of Suffolk , a new ‘ plateglass ’ university with a reputation for student vandalism .
18 Isobel was ambitious , and had her sights set on the national news media ; unfortunately , so did every other young news-hustler in every backwater station in the country , and few of them were having to contend with sinuses that felt as if they 'd been stuffed with pillows .
19 She had her eyes set on a bigger catch than me . ’
20 ‘ She seemed to know where she was going and had her eyes focused on that rather than her colleagues . ’
21 In Kinvig v Holland Hannen & Cubbitts [ 1977 ] CLY 373 an interesting situation arose because the plaintiff failed to beat a payment in but had his damages increased on appeal , although still not so as to bear the amount that the defendant had paid into court .
22 Charley Hoskins had been trained as a blacksmith but , like so many Saltash boys , had his heart set on the sea and it was when he had joined the Royal Navy that he met Ben Bellaser .
23 these and all his other cars became very popular , but Chapman had his heart set on entering the world of Formula One racing .
24 Estabrook glanced across at Chant , who had his gaze fixed on their destination , and his teeth clenched .
25 Len , however , had his gaze fixed on David 's face and almost as if he could read his mind , and ignoring the other two , he said roughly , ‘ They 're not taking the case , are they , Doc ? ’
26 Edward , Helen could see from his stance , was bored : he had his head tilted on one side and was watching a bird in a tree behind Peter Sidey 's left ear .
27 After all , he reminded himself , he was Prior William now and had his eye set on further promotion .
28 The only exception to this rule was Uncle Jack , who clearly had his sights set on several more whiskies when Charlotte insisted , at Ursula 's request , on driving him to the station and seeing him aboard the London train .
29 But the Lad had his eyes fixed on Fergus .
30 Matthew had his eyes fixed on the desk and did not look up .
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