Example sentences of "had [verb] from the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He only knew what he had heard from the servants .
2 He said that the official in charge of antiquities at the Nasiriya Museum had received from the Americans a ‘ very small number ’ of terracotta objects dating back to the dawn of mankind and the Babylonian period , some of which had only recently been broken .
3 Hari shook back a strand of hair that had fallen from the pins .
4 After our half term holiday most of the leaves had fallen from the trees here and in the park .
5 Some years before lie had resigned from the forces for their sakes and was personnel manager of an oil refinery in Perth .
6 After the seventh defendant had resigned from the plaintiffs the three refined the business plan and set up the fourth defendant and the fifth defendant companies .
7 Maj. Joseph Michel François , acknowledged by diplomats to have been a ringleader , insisted to foreign journalists that the main impetus had come from the ranks of the 8,000-strong army who feared the growing influence of Aristide 's new foreign-trained 50-member presidential guard .
8 How far he had come from the silks and blissful hedonic acid and joyspike of the upper habs of Trazior .
9 After they had left the tavern , there were always some globules of mercury on the floor which the charitable thought had spilt from their bottles , but the waiters knew had come from the men themselves .
10 One of their products was erm you , when you see in the cars th th that they can er make them open top and they close the backs down , there 's a bracket on the side that er hinges up and well they used to special you know , it had come from the landaus of the horse drawn vehicle , the same sort of thing , well they used to specialize in that and they used to make some kind of locks but I 'm I have never talked to anybody that worked there so I , I do n't know , but that 's the only other one as I , as I 'm aware of er was the , was Wilks 's and er Bloxwich Lock .
11 In 1921 a report placed before the Prussian Diet revealed that of the 460,884 hectares of land purchased by the Commission up to that time , only 27.4 per cent had come from the Poles ; a staggering 72.5 per cent had been purchased by the Commission from German estate owners .
12 ( 4 ) Seventy per cent of the sick group had suffered from the effects of serious pregnancy and/or birth complications as babies .
13 They knew she took bread to her mother , jam she had made from the blackcurrants at the foot of the garden but the basket always came back heavy with fresh eggs , a bunch of carrots from the bog , plums that they loved , sweet hard yellow apples .
14 Major Sylvain Raynal was a man of great courage who had risen from the ranks .
15 From his wrinkled face and sunburned skin he looked as though he had risen from the ranks rather than graduating from Saint Cyr or the Ecole Militaire .
16 As well as launching the series , he had launched himself ; he had moved from the ranks of a contributor to the little poetry magazines into the mainstream ; his apprenticeship days were over .
17 It seemed far more likely that , as Dr Gyggle suggested , I had become aware of Samuel Northcliffe separately and incorporated information I had gleaned from the newspapers into my fantasy .
18 The picture that was emerging was quite different from the one she had gleaned from the cuttings .
19 He often brought her scraps he had filched from the instructors ' table .
20 Redpath accepted a cup of tea , and reported the information he had had from the firearms expert and the doctor .
21 how much feedback they had had from the recipients ( the governors , the LEA panel ) ;
22 He was a Nottingham bookseller who , over the years , had abstracted from the volumes that came into his shop countless examples reflecting an extraordinary diversity of art , quotation and opinion , good and very bad .
23 The 18th-century mountain traveller John Macculloch described Sutherlands as containing ‘ mountains which seem as if they had tumbled from the clouds , having nothing to do with the country or each other . ’
24 Until the advent of man in physical geography it could be argued that physical geographers had escaped from the effects of human activity by concentrating their endeavours upon rural and unmodified spatial areas and upon time scales prior to the time when human activity began to exercise a significant influence .
25 He almost felt , as well as saw , her curls , which , as usual , had escaped from the bonds which confined them , clustering on her hairline , falling on to the beautiful oval face , the lips , so rosy and tempting against the pure complexion of her face .
26 They were no doubt relieved , as Theo definitely was , that he had escaped from the clutches of ‘ that woman ’ .
27 The shots had sounded from the hills somewhere to the north , and rather than wasting time on the main path that rose with the gentle contours of the valley , we took a short cut up the steep , almost sheer , cliff behind the houses .
28 The opposition parties , led by the Japan Socialist Party ( JSP ) and its charismatic female leader Takako Doi , had benefited from the problems of the ruling party and had captured enough seats in the Upper House elections in July 1989 to deny the LDP an overall majority [ see p. 36800-01 ] .
29 As soon as she had recovered from the months of Rhoda 's illness , and come to terms with her death , and adjusted to the sudden change in her circumstances , she would do something about it .
30 Viola Machin , clearly , had recovered from the shocks of last night .
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