Example sentences of "had [verb] the next [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He moved and the slaves cowered back , as if , thought Nuadu , they had witnessed the next part before and feared it even more than the mutilating of the boy .
2 It was just the kind of chance she could n't miss , and if she had to miss the next flight home she was sure Lord C would understand .
3 It was generally felt he would have won at St Andrews after his 29 for the first nine in the first round if he had n't had part of the round washed out and had to continue the next day .
4 She saw then he had lifted the next tray from the box .
5 Alas , many others had already made their judgment on the flimsy evidence of that supposed phone call … and had found the next King guilty .
6 Everybody else would realise what had happened the next day , or the day after that .
7 He had left the next Phoenix King with a strong army , a secure line of fortresses in the north and the most powerful navy in the world .
8 Obviously , I had started the next craze .
9 So Edna Porritt , comfortable and cheerful , had taken the next train from Penzance and was now , for an unspecified period , easing Brian 's worries considerably .
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