Example sentences of "had [verb] her in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Molly tried to speak slowly and rationally but the calm which had sustained her in the villa seemed to have drained away .
2 It was just this power and seriousness that had fascinated her in the first place .
3 Tess realized that the farmer was the same Trantridge man who had recognized her in the market town , and had been knocked down by Angel .
4 And he had stopped her in the lobby once to enquire , ‘ How are things going ?
5 Her fingers stiffened under the memory of the innumerable raps on the knuckles Sylvie had given her in the past .
6 She recalled the swift bruising kiss he had given her in the restaurant .
7 Simon , however , would n't hear of it , and had joined her in the kitchen to help with the dishes .
8 She did n't realise that Guy Sterne had joined her in the sitting-room until he spoke from behind her chair .
9 He had installed her in a cottage on East Street and in the last few days before the wedding she had worked all hours to spicken the place up and turn it into a home for him .
10 She had never liked the arrangement that had installed her in the Ward household , but having heard the tragic story , and knowing how much it meant to the woman who had rescued her from a life of loneliness , how could she refuse ?
11 He had rung her in the afternoon and suggested they met .
12 Finally , he had to hide her in a cellar .
13 It was long after she had gone to sleep and he had prodded her in the ribs to stop her snoring and was , himself , lying awake , staring into the darkness , thinking about Donald that it occurred to Henry that this was the longest conversation he had had with Elinor for about a year and that , after a bad start , she had , once or twice , come dangerously near to amiability .
14 A year later Joe had arrived , and the first doctor in the district had attended her in the first room of what was now a complete frame house .
15 It was the first time I had seen her in a pale colour — a light grey dress which made her seem shadowy .
16 Her limbs were graceful , her whole body proportioned like that of a young goddess ; as for her breasts , an infatuated young man who had seen her in a small part at Robert 's Shield Theatre wrote her a letter quoting the Song of Solomon at length : Asshe threatened to horsewhip him .
17 Physically , she was looking better than Harriet had seen her in a long while .
18 A little better ; he had seen her in a few more moods , some higher , some lower .
19 It was possible that he , too , had not troubled himself with thoughts of her real life until he had seen her in the garden with Ben .
20 Rachaela thought of the day she had seen her in the snow , the day Emma had bowed out from their lives with urgent smiles .
21 She felt as if a hard , heavy fist had thumped her in the stomach .
22 He had wrapped her in a blanket off her bed and made her more coffee .
23 Ali Marwash was not a rich man , but he had loved his daughter and had wrapped her in a Kashmir shawl before interring her .
24 Breeze was on her way to Miss Martindale 's now , for the old lady had intercepted her in the lane the day before , to ask her if she would come and do two hours ' digging at tenpence an hour .
25 Daryl remembered something your mother had told her in a letter a week or two before , she said that she 'd met Sally Hopes mother and had liked her and she said to that she 'd seen Mrs Hopes baby .
26 In fact , he had told her in no uncertain terms to go forth and multiply .
27 Her father had told her in no uncertain terms that she 'd lost her mind .
28 Certainly , Montaine 's death had affected her in a dramatic and all-embracing way .
29 She was not sure if she had kicked her in the throat .
30 Bitterly , she realised that her night at The Angel with Freddie Nash had shackled her in a way which , even if she had stopped to think about the possible consequences at the time , she could scarcely have envisaged .
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