Example sentences of "had [verb] her [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 She showed me the marks on the back of her knuckles and her wrist where that bitch had walloped her with a rod of some sort , right from the first day . ’
2 The excitement of this first fall of rain had filled her with a desire that things should be different , that she should be happy again .
3 Madge Allsop had just crept in like a beige dormouse and deposited a salver of tea , though Dame Edna had dismissed her with a beady look when she attempted to sit in our chat .
4 When she had protested to Lord Wardley , who was chief billeting officer for that part of Northumberland , he had referred her to a minion who , in turn , had taken great pleasure in pointing out that she could , if she preferred , have some evacuees from Gateshead but , either way , her spare room could not remain empty when everyone was required to make a war effort .
5 Her concerned employers had referred her to a doctor , who had put her on the contraceptive pill but , as was normal practice , she had not been examined or questioned .
6 If somehow she could have been given a meagre share in their relationship , if one or the other had treated her as a confidante , it might have been more bearable .
7 The funny man who had found her on a distant planet and had treated her as a human being .
8 Dreams and reality had collided in her shocked mind with stunning force , sending her hurtling over the edge of that invisible precipice , and the fall had broken her into a thousand agonising pieces , like brittle shards of glass that could never be whole again .
9 She was more than capable of defending herself if the need arose , but what if her pursuer was someone who had recognized her from a previous UNACO assignment , someone out to blow her cover ?
10 He snatched his furniture from the house and dumped it on a tip , then took the car which he had given her as a present away for scrap .
11 By the time he had pressed her into a seat she had herself under more control , and was suffering acute embarrassment at her outburst .
12 Yet he had pursued her with a single-minded intent that was unnerving .
13 By an effort of memory she could just recall a time when money had been plentiful , and her father — then strong and well — had spent it with a gay extravagance which had delighted her as a small child .
14 He had installed her in a cottage on East Street and in the last few days before the wedding she had worked all hours to spicken the place up and turn it into a home for him .
15 Between them , Candy and Adam had hounded her into a corner ; she felt beleaguered , under attack from all sides .
16 Mrs Nowak had impressed her as a strong woman , a woman inclined to fantasy perhaps , but resilient and not inclined to despair .
17 Progress was painfully slow ; I had owned her for a year before she wagged her tail at me .
18 She had never liked the arrangement that had installed her in the Ward household , but having heard the tragic story , and knowing how much it meant to the woman who had rescued her from a life of loneliness , how could she refuse ?
19 Finally , he had to hide her in a cellar .
20 Imogen had lived in Hampstead , and had been just such an attractive sixth-former when he had met her on a trip to the States .
21 I killed her as surely as if I had stabbed her with a knife , shot her with a gun , squeezed her neck between my hands .
22 Doc Threadneedle had turned her into a human perpetual motion machine , like one of those dipping birds her father had bought her as a child .
23 If all her rough times had turned her into a pickpocket , at least they had n't defeated her .
24 He had thrust her into a nightmare landscape .
25 And she , too , had something of the precision and contrived charm of a doll with an almost round head poised ’ on a long delicate neck , a snub nose with a splatter of freckles , a small mouth with a full upper lip beautifully curved and a bristle of cropped hair , originally fair but with bright orange tips which caught the sun and trembled in the breeze so that the whole head seemed for a moment to have a vivid life separated from the rest of her body and , the image changing , he had seen her as a bright exotic flower .
26 It was the first time I had seen her in a pale colour — a light grey dress which made her seem shadowy .
27 Her limbs were graceful , her whole body proportioned like that of a young goddess ; as for her breasts , an infatuated young man who had seen her in a small part at Robert 's Shield Theatre wrote her a letter quoting the Song of Solomon at length : Asshe threatened to horsewhip him .
28 Physically , she was looking better than Harriet had seen her in a long while .
29 A little better ; he had seen her in a few more moods , some higher , some lower .
30 He had boxed her into a corner there had been no other way out of .
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