Example sentences of "had [verb] out [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Even Hugh , although able to look like a jeune premier from time to time , had filled out as a result of an under-demanding marriage and a sedentary occupation , and would have been a round peg for such a small square hole .
2 Mr Nightingale had been a wartime soldier in a fairly respectable regiment ( George 's opinion as an excavalryman ) and while he had filled out to a pink-and-white chubbiness he still wore a small military moustache that had stayed loyally ginger as a reminder of the Desert campaign .
3 Clashes between riot police and demonstrators had broken out during a student demonstration outside the Education Ministry on Oct. 24 .
4 It was making her heartbeat erratic , and her whole body had broken out in a fine dew of perspiration .
5 On the evening of Saturday 30 January , a fire had broken out in a process area on the mezzanine floor of the building .
6 ‘ She had to go out for a moment . ’
7 No matter the weather , one had to go out to a privy next to a coalshed in the backyard .
8 The club , by now had spilled out into a sort of annexe conservatory at the back of the room and by the time the summer arrived , people were spilling out into the garden and , in fact , used to come into the club by this route illegally .
9 Boyfriend Garry Curtis , of Bedhampton , Hants , dragged her to safety — and rescuers arrived to find the couple , who had fallen out at a party , kissing and hugging .
10 It was as if she had fallen out of a generous sky .
11 He could always get old Benny Robinson , his helper , to sweep the place up and tie up the piles of cardboard , but Benny had already swept up twice that day and he was now busy sorting out bundles of twine which had fallen out of a damaged carton and become unwound .
12 So she watched , and listened , and fell a little further , and when his bleep went she went back with him to the department and they worked side by side , communicating with a gesture or a word almost in silence , each anticipating the other 's needs as they dealt with a little girl who had fallen out of a tree and broken both arms and one leg .
13 He stooped to retrieve an ear-ring which had dropped out of a blouse he was holding .
14 What had started out as a dramatic sea chase and developed into a running battle had fizzled out in a disappointing anti-climax .
15 The Feldwebel had not moved and I looked all the way up his black leather jack-boots and the thin grey greatcoat with its cheap tin buttons looking as if they had come out of a Christmas pudding before I noticed that his eyes were slightly open and that he was watching me with an uncle 's amusement .
16 He had come out of a nightmare with something of the steel town 's steel inside him .
17 The staff were also worried about his speech , not seeming to take into account the fact that this was the first time he had come out of a Punjabi-speaking environment and was having to cope with new experiences in a foreign language .
18 The waitress from The Crossed Keys , unsuspecting , had come out with a fresh supply of punch .
19 The words had come out with a distinct tang of broad Lancashire , but she immediately withdrew into her pseudo-Southern gentility .
20 We had come out on a broad dirt road .
21 Conditions of work were not pleasant ; landowners tried to get their estates cultivated by indentured labourers who had come out under a contract to work for some years for the man who paid for the journey or anyone to whom he sold the right to command their services .
22 Felicity had come out in a severe facial rash and spent the time either screaming or staring fixedly at the paperknife on her desk .
23 The words had come out in a babble and by the time he had gathered his wits and been able to respond she had put the phone down .
24 I understand names like Paraguay 's Juan Carlos Giminez , who had to pull out of a previous challenge with a damaged hand , Americans Darrin Van Horn and Lindell Holmes plus Italian Vicenzo Nardiello have already been short-listed for November .
25 His first-rate performances — in Hotel in New Hampshire , and as a retarded man in Square Dance — were largely unhonoured , and his many other movies were n't hot , Worse , he had to scrabble out from a confusion of drink , drugs and sexual adventure that had finally landed him in the tabloids and the jokebooks .
26 It had been the first casino in modern Russia , had operated out of a converted bedroom on the second floor .
27 Godwin and his circle had grown out of a relatively broad tendency within the rising industrial bourgeoisie , but was then , as a specific formation , forced into crisis — into a dissidence verging on rebellion — within a general crisis of the social order , itself still politically directed by another class , the ruling landed aristocracy .
28 ICI Fibres ' beginnings were with British Nylon Spinners [ BNS ] which was owned equally by ICI and Courtaulds and had grown out of a wartime industry .
29 It was mizzling steadily , so I had lashed out on a minibus ticket , which cost more than a taxi would here .
30 WARSAW ( Reuter ) — Carmelite nuns denied a report that they had moved out of a convent at the former Nazi death camp of Auschwitz which has caused a row between Roman Catholics and Jews .
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