Example sentences of "had [verb] up to the " in BNC.

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1 Either he had to go up to the Broken Hill Ironworks at Newcastle or she had to go down to Canberra to see some official about tariffs or quotas or immigration levels .
2 I thought that because I had looked up to the twins on account of their wealth I expected others to do the same to me .
3 It was n't just today the boy had come up to the wood but yesterday as well .
4 They had come up to the Buraimi for the men to look for better opportunities .
5 But even before the farmers had come up to the market someone had probably met them at the station , because each dealer had a tout — a local man .
6 Miss Foley was ready to go now and had come up to the desk to clear his out tray .
7 We were ready , even to the pitcher of orange juice , bucket of champagne and iced flask of vodka that waited on a table Ellen had carried up to the cockpit .
8 Mr. W.S. Johnston , the Second Master and Head of English , had been appointed to the staff in 1934 , initially as Form Master of Junior B. By 1937 he too had moved up to the Senior School .
9 Erm , who only later realised what he had opened up to the whole of mankind .
10 Samuel Pipkin , eagerness all over his face , had bounded up to the reading desk , arranged to look identical to that used by Dickens himself in his tours around the country .
11 Later , when it was time to take Eddie back to school , Louise had kissed him at the gate and his father had walked up to the main door with him .
12 Liza could only suppose that , with her husband 's mechanical knowledge , the powers that be had woken up to the fact that he would be more than useful in what she referred to as ‘ an active capacity ’ .
13 Two men had driven up to the gate in a van containing a 70 kg bomb which they then detonated .
14 Governments had to live up to the mythical images of themselves which were part of their acceptability .
15 I thought he was following me and other hotel-guests to the shelter , but he was n't ; he had gone up to the roof ‘ to watch it all ’ .
16 The pre-filming budget had gone up to the then astronomical sixteen million dollars with Tyrone Power cast in the lead .
17 When the laundry maid had told her he had been married , she had gone up to the high moors and wept .
18 Buck had gone up to the green and marked his ball .
19 I you see you 're not exceeding what the government is establishing as your target level , you 're falling short of that , and that means that some people will not get services that they would get if you had gone up to the level .
20 When the food taster had stepped up to the table to perform his normal duties , the T'ang had waved him away and , picking up his chopsticks , had taken the first mouthful himself .
21 Would-be delinquents in Saltash during most of the Nineteenth century had to face up to the threat of a short , sharp punishment ; a visit to the ‘ Black Hole ’ under the escort of one of the ancient borough 's best known characters , ‘ Nandie ’ Keast .
22 Apart from the physical difficulties , he also had to face up to the mental stress of completing the task .
23 I had decided that I had to face up to the fact that John might not come back or he might be gone for a long time and that when he did come back we might not love one another .
24 She had to face up to the fact that her father meant business , and that once more Ace was going to be put into an impossible position because of her .
25 But he would not countenance a " Party within a Party , " and the NAC had to face up to the consequences of maintaining a separate party in Parliament .
26 The rest we had to transport up to the second and fourth floors , up steep , dark steps !
27 His eyes had flicked up to the top of the small cliff to our left .
28 The Fontanellatesi , like all Italians , felt happy ; happy that they had stood up to the Fascists , and happy that they had helped the escaped prisoners .
29 Only the Jews and the Iranians stood up to the Romans , as they had stood up to the Seleucids .
30 Would Mr Lawson then have resisted the temptation to trundle round his Cabinet colleagues , showing off his muscles and boasting that he alone had faced up to the Iron Lady and won ?
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