Example sentences of "had [verb] he [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 He had been a young man when she had met him back in 1898 .
2 The castle 's black-cloaked seneschal had scowled darkly on the previous occasions when Quiss had tracked him down in the kitchens and asked him what was going on and what he intended to do about it ; he made dour excuses and talked of the corrosive effects of salt water and what a mess it made of his pipes and anyway materials were very hard to come by these days — What days ?
3 She had taken to him from the first , and he to her , perhaps , on his part , because she had given him some hot mutton broth and let him eat as much bread as he could manage , which had been half a loaf ; and then she had rigged him out in odd things .
4 They were n't told FIMBRA had kicked him out in 1988 and so they are n't entitled to compensation .
5 She was exhausted ; more so because of the alarmed way she had sprung out of reach whenever Guy had become restless , than from the number of times she had sponged him down in an attempt to cool his fever .
6 I saw the way you had to fight him off in that first dance — the bastard 's hands were everywhere ! ’
7 Although the very thought of court action had brought him out in a cold sweat , the same grittiness which had enabled his father to jump ship and seek a new life now came to his rescue .
8 When Margie had mentioned his association with Greg Martin , the financier who had made him the loan which had set him up in a small showroom and enabled him to move the sewing machines out of the living room and into a work room , Hugo became not so much evasive as totally silent .
9 Lately he had been troubled by rheumatism brought on by the damp in the house , and his doctor had set him up in sleeping quarters on the ground floor with independent heating arrangements .
10 They had taken him down in the lift and he had stood there looking at her face , peaceful and still .
11 Well no just screaming at the top of his voice , our Ben had to bring him down in the end and give him a drink and start again , even then I had to stay with him until he went to sleep
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