Example sentences of "had [verb] [Wh det] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A letter to the Japanese ambassador in Washington , signed by all 100 members of the US Senate , had preceded what the US saw as Japan 's belated Aug. 5 commitment on sanctions .
2 We had to guess what the speaker was intending to say , from the context — just as foreigners listening to English , in fact .
3 There 'd been photographs of these people 's faces in the newspapers , but Stephen had forgotten what the faces looked like .
4 And again had to wonder what the dickens was the matter with her for Ven , in no way similarly affected , moved and , taking casual hold of her arm , began to lead her across the road .
5 ‘ If Maurice had possessed what the kidnappers want , he 'd have given it up .
6 Of course , it was a very nice idea , but I had seen what the Germans were doing with colour television .
7 He had done what the Phoenicians had done , and the Byzantines , the Romans , the Crusaders , the Genoese and the Mamelukes .
8 No-one had said whose the other was , but from the tone of their glances Elizabeth guessed he was her husband 's — she glowed inside at the word .
9 In these matters Emilia Frere knew more than she , for the woman had crossed the threshold of the married state ; she had delivered herself over to the meeting of the flesh as Louisa had not been called upon to do ; she had experienced what the uninitiate could only surmise .
10 Somehow he had known what the outcome of all this was going to be .
11 However , the study found that if Gateshead council had spent what the Government said it should then the poll tax would increase by £26 to £297 .
12 He had remembered what the escapologist had taught him !
13 The boy had learned what the man would never learn .
14 She inched back against the wall , part of her wanting to find some private place , yet knowing she would not — could not — move from this spot until she had read what the paper had to say .
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