Example sentences of "had [verb] [pers pn] down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There were hundreds of screaming women outside and we had to whisk him down to the underground car park and shut the gates behind him .
2 They felt that he had let them down in front of others .
3 To the community at Canterbury he was a saintly but somewhat ineffective archbishop , who had let them down in the matter of the primacy of their church .
4 If she 'd meant to lie , she 'd have planned the lies ; as it was , it was more like someone else speaking , someone for whom all the tales might be true : the tales of the amorous husband who would not be denied , or even delayed ; of her horrified discovery that her tried and trusted dutch cap had let her down after all these years , of her disappointment that she would not now be able to train as a doctor or run a campaign for more zebra crossings or offer a home to her poor ailing mother ; and then of course there were the medical difficulties , what with her diabetes and the early mongol child that died and all those Caesarians ; and the home where there was n't an inch of space and how the baby would mean eviction and bankruptcy ; and the fear that the baby might be too obviously of mixed-race ; and the over-riding , gut-rending terror that the baby might have royal blood ( of course if ever this got outside these walls there would be no answering for the political consequences for the western world ) and in the circumstances it seemed kind that the child should never be born .
5 Loads of people had let him down over the years , so I did n't want to be one of them .
6 Their manager , John King , said his players were so high on publicity that before this match he had to pull them down from the ceiling .
7 Thirty had been a party for fifty , and now had honed it down to a fabulous four .
8 They swore that they had turned her down at first , but that she had behaved in such a bold manner — sitting on their laps , kissing them and fingering her body — that they could not hold back any longer .
9 He did not know if she had written it down in the letter , or if the cake was to be his punishment for all the bad things he had done .
10 The hospital authorities had tracked her down in California , where she was enjoying success as a fabric designer and living with a famous composer of film music .
11 Felix had tracked him down through his old address and left a note .
12 The castle 's black-cloaked seneschal had scowled darkly on the previous occasions when Quiss had tracked him down in the kitchens and asked him what was going on and what he intended to do about it ; he made dour excuses and talked of the corrosive effects of salt water and what a mess it made of his pipes and anyway materials were very hard to come by these days — What days ?
13 The owners of the mine , Carnon Consolidated , had closed it down in February after the Department of Trade and Industry withdrew financial support .
14 It was very hard indeed to believe she had walked in there with a wolf creature and that he had drawn her down onto the forest floor and made love to her …
15 Still she could hear her own cries , as she had begged to be released — but nay , he had flung her down on the stone floor and leaned over her .
16 Of course the public only wanted entertainment , but the point for intellectual observers was that the public had only wanted it on their own terms and so the story of film was the story of how the masses had dragged it down to their own level .
17 She was exhausted ; more so because of the alarmed way she had sprung out of reach whenever Guy had become restless , than from the number of times she had sponged him down in an attempt to cool his fever .
18 He had pulled her down with him into the whirlpool of love , and now that she was submerged and drowning he had left her , escaping through the cloaking mist that hung over the water .
19 The old Eythrope house which had stood near to Bridge Lodge had belonged to the Earls of Chesterfield , who had pulled it down in 1810 and made the most of the high price of building materials then prevailing owing to the Napoleonic wars .
20 Elizabeth had noticed the lighthouse on her flight back to England two years previously , and had marked it down as a place that she must see .
21 And was still wondering some half an hour later when Rosa had settled her down for the night but frustration , sharper than any pangs of hunger , was keeping her awake .
22 Ralph had laid it down in the 1950s .
23 It would have been better on water , Masklin was told later , but Shrub had brought them down on land .
24 At eighteen , in love with love , she 'd accepted his ring and walked on air until common sense had brought her down to earth and made her realise that marriage to him would be a total disaster .
25 One thing , thought Sally-Anne , looking around her , after Ma Bailey had set her down in one of the few chairs the room possessed , was that no one here had ever done any summer cleaning , nor spring , autumn nor winter cleaning either .
26 She heard the door close behind her , but not before the sound of laughter had followed her down towards the lift .
27 Frankie Albright was nineteen and just young enough to have missed the war ; he had tried to sign up when he was sixteen , only to be informed upon by his mother , who had followed him down to the recruiting office .
28 Nancy fought wildly , and Sikes had to hold her down in a chair .
29 They had hosed him down after that , then poured urine over him .
30 Familiarity with the voices that had haunted him down through the years had encouraged a bravado that was little like his real self .
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