Example sentences of "had [verb] [conj] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 If composers such as Mahler , Scriabin , Mussorgsky , Prokofiev and Richard Strauss had collaborated as equals with musicians from the European colonies of Brazil , Cuba , Haiti , Nigeria , Ghana , Cameroon and Congo , what a sound they would have made .
2 I used heavy orange nylon fishing-line for the string , wound round a specially made drum for the winch , which I had strengthed and fitted with a chest-brace .
3 I know when , when invented scales back in the early thirties er typically they were declarative statements which people had to agree or disagree with erm but er I think perhaps more recently people have gone more for things that are a bit like how would you feel , what do you think type statements erm so er
4 She had to go and she had to go and live with them he could n't get married without .
5 ‘ Dick had a meeting with some Church Army people and I had to go and help with the coffee so I missed Paul coming out . ’
6 He had fallen and lain with his right cheek pressed into the wet leaves .
7 And he had impressed that print with careful precision — he or whoever it was .
8 Favourites , reform commissions and ordinances had come and gone with no sign of improvement either in the king 's government or in public order ; indeed , the realm was now in a state of virtual brigandage .
9 Freddie , who worked for the youth department of the Jewish community in Rosenstrasse , had organised and travelled with many transports , until finally he was warned : ‘ You either stay in England or you 've had it . ’
10 Approximately half had organised or helped with playgroups and a similar number had previously worked as welfare assistants .
11 That he appeared to treat it philosophically , as he had accepted and dealt with the reversal in Ireland , the death of the Lady Emma , the restlessness on his southern borders , was therefore partly a matter of pride , but also the mark of what had become his nature .
12 The once fine linen had thinned and shrunk with frequent laundering , with the result that the garment only reached just past her knees and did little to hide the curves of her body .
13 He also brought to an end , but not without difficulty , the suit which had begun between the archbishop and the chapter of Canterbury over the church of Lambeth , which the same archbishop , against the will of the chapter , had built and endowed with many and substantial rents , instituting canons regular in it — noble men , powerful and educated .
14 Kate was quite unable to offer any more resistance , in fact was so busy mentally castigating herself for the happy daydreams she had had while dancing with Ace that Dara had little need of her determination to take control of the rest of the evening .
15 she said , she had found when dealing with some of these of kids up where they live , that erm , a quiet talk there and then , only talk .
16 Carnelian had dealt that wound with devastating accuracy .
17 All night long she had lain awake , worrying about what had happened and wishing with the benefit of hindsight that she had handled it better , but nothing could change what had gone on .
18 On hearing of the atrocity Wilson thought it his duty to cancel the concert and to call together the 800 German seamen to explain what had happened and to share with them his horror at the deed .
19 ‘ Come along , ’ he said quietly when she informed him solemnly that she had finished and stood with arms full of parcels .
20 Memories were long in Scotland , and a gentleman whose forefathers had fought and died with the Marquis of Montrose in the wars against the Covenanter Government in the previous century could still feel entitled to expect assistance from the current chief of that family , and more importantly there were others in the county who thought likewise .
21 They came from Chaura and from Chhuma , from Huri , Muri , Pere and from Gorigāu — the mad dog on its final rampage had run for miles , and in every village the dogs had scrapped and wrangled with it .
22 This was the endowment of the end-time which he had lived and died with — and yet the last page of the last chapter of human history had not been written .
23 They had declined and revived with their districts ; each was closely dependent on its contado ; their leading citizens were the warrior lords of the castles of the region .
24 It did , however , make clear the extent to which the Soviet approach to international affairs had changed as compared with the relatively simple priorities of the Brezhnev era .
25 How thrilled the girl had been to be going to the Holy City , how lovely she had looked in a jacket of scarlet silk , a birthday present given only the day before by Mrs Browning , how she had glowed and shivered with anticipation …
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