Example sentences of "had [verb] [pron] to the " in BNC.

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1 You were n't allowed to have a hearse , you had to carry them to the church , and er er we used to b bury them by lamp light .
2 All the same , the theme is still national honour and personal loyalty , the lessons which Dick teaches to Anastasia as successfully as he had taught them to the weak but responsive Carol .
3 The tempo of a summer 's day had adjusted itself to the measured progress of the tournament through the placid dunes and sandhills .
4 But the archaeologists ' obsession with the past had blinded them to the real cause of the lamentations they witnessed along the river .
5 On reaching Arcady , he 'd attempted to call Zambia 's old apartment and had explained himself to the woman who now lived there .
6 Not that her cousin 's health had relapsed , or anything like that , but her mood had communicated itself to the twins , who 'd been particularly fractious and difficult .
7 She had n't expected to be greeted with open arms , but the reception she 'd actually received had shaken her to the core .
8 780 Ealdhun also gave lands which Ecgberht had given him to the familia of Christ Church ( CS 293 : S 155 ; cf. , CS 319 , 320 : S 1259 and CS 332 : S 1264 ) .
9 I was a war baby and a shame to my birth-dead mother who had given herself to the last-time-leave blandishments of my faceless father .
10 Helen had confessed at lunch that she would sooner have been three behind than three in front — and when news came , after the first 10 holes of the fourth round , that she had fallen one to the rear of the Australian , one had the feeling that she was merely paving the way for a last-minute attack .
11 He had addressed it to the Chief Accountant personally , and a letter so addressed , in his distinctive handwriting would stand out a mile when the letters were spread across Steve Pyle 's desk .
12 But the worst of all was to read what she had finally written on the night before the bazaar , the night before he had added himself to the list of those who had betrayed her — It was the worst hurt of his life .
13 At Holly 's request Rosie had added it to the list of diary items Rain would offer at the afternoon conference .
14 I mean we used to do the annual report because the R C E had to provide something to the General Manager
15 Whereas Catherine the Great had confined them to the western and southern borderlands of the empire and Alexander I had encouraged them to consider economic diversification and cultural assimilation , Nicholas intervened in their lives more dramatically .
16 By now I had covered a fair expanse of this wood , and I had resigned myself to the fact that this would be the earliest I would get , regardless of what was in the ground .
17 About three weeks later , Jenny had resigned herself to the fact that she would stay .
18 A tramp had found her freezing and near to death on the doorstep of a gin palace near the Elephant and Castle and he had carried her to the local Catholic church .
19 Sting and Peter Gabriel had committed themselves to the Amnesty world tour later that year so gave the June concerts a miss , and Simple Minds had already said yes to the Nelson Mandela birthday celebration the week before .
20 Arafat had tried to keep his Fatah guerrillas out of the fighting , but when the Phalange and Chamounists laid siege to the Palestinian camps of Karantina and Tel al-Za'atar , the PLO had committed itself to the war on the side of the Muslims and leftists .
21 The purpose of this and of other victim studies was to elicit from respondents whether they had been the victim of a crime , and if so , which types of crime and whether they had reported it to the police .
22 Charles had pushed himself to the limit in the armed forces and had insisted upon doing the full training that his fellow officers did — despite protests from his superiors .
23 He had pushed himself to the limit .
24 He could see that whatever was agitating his friend had pushed him to the limit but he judged it better to let him get it off his chest than keep it bottled up .
25 We have no choice ; when my father died in nineteen seventy-nine I had to come to an arrangement with the Capital Taxes Office , that , er for not paying the full value of the er death duties on the value of the contents of the house , I had to open it to the public , quite frankly , if then and even more now , if I had to pay the full amount , I 'd have had to sell everything which my family have collected over the last seven hundred years .
26 Gregory of Tours and Bede both knew that the conversion of their peoples to Christianity had done something to the religion to which they were converted .
27 The railways had done it to the canals and now it was to happen in turn to the railways .
28 This was the street along which she had run , a skinny and excited ten-year-old , to boast to her father that she was the only girl who had made it to the next round of the chess competition .
29 He sat on the top of the large expanse of teak desk and stared coldly at the men who had made it to the top of one of the biggest corporations in the world , employing nearly one million people .
30 Nineteen of us had made it to the end .
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