Example sentences of "his own [noun sg] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She had learnt long ago that Nahum 's chief interest in the Foundling Hospital was the boost it gave to his own ego being on the Board of Governors , a position acquired mainly through the generosity of his brother-in-law , John Bradford , who always supported the charity financially .
2 ‘ But his son 's been kidnapped , and his own life is in danger . ’
3 And if B 's violence takes the form of assault with a deadly weapon , A may even inflict death if his own life is in peril .
4 In our day and age , can you think of someone who has been so full of the Spirit that he 's had the courage to preach even when his own life was at stake ?
5 In his answer , Gilmore also took up and dismissed as totally unfounded a claim which Paisley had made several weeks earlier in the Commons that his own life was in danger from government agents .
6 Even an individual carrying on business in England under a business name which is not his own name is within similar provisions .
7 He does not have the lungs or larynx or the theatrical dynamic for it ; indeed , his own preference is for the small-scale gathering , almost a teach-in .
8 He seldom missed a match through injury , and he was versatile enough to play on either wing equally effectively , although his own preference was for outside-right .
9 well I 'm trying to think what he was called in it but his father his own father is in fact Doug Willis in the series who 's the father of the that girl Cody
10 The question is probably too sophisticated : after all , his own father was by no means destitute , and had at least something worth conserving .
11 Carson said that in theory his own place was within the flood basin , but there had never been any trouble as long as he 'd lived there ; places right on the towpath used to get flooded regularly when the tide was high .
12 In northern France this had been traditionally organized by the institution known as the villa , a country estate of variable size , often more or less the equivalent of a village , where all the land was the lord 's ; some part of it he let out to tenants , some part of it he farmed directly ; but even his own domain was in large measure tilled by the peasant tenants , who held their land in return for services in money , services in kind , and above all labour-services , for a defined amount of work for the lord .
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