Example sentences of "his [noun pl] [prep] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Given Duchamp 's long residence in America , and his contacts with and influence on American art , I can see why he might be included , although most of the time he was a presence on the scene here he was n't working publicly .
2 Philip put his brakes on and skidded .
3 Stuart bellowed his words as if answering a court-martial and failure to enunciate perfectly at top volume would earn him a few more years in the glasshouse .
4 He put his hands on his knees as if to lever himself up .
5 He was in black — a thick high-necked sweater and , she noticed when he got up and came round the side of the desk , a pair of black corduroys that moulded his thighs as if tailored specially for him , as indeed they probably had been .
6 He twitched his shoulders as if shrugging the burden of Georgina on to the new arrival .
7 He rubbed his eyes as if to rid himself of thoughts of Kelly Connor .
8 As he said it , Gabriel 's eye was caught by Lucie who put a finger up to his lips as if to say , ‘ Do n't argue . ’
9 " But it was my fault , " Patrick continued , wrapping his hands around the cup , bringing it up to his lips as if to hide his face .
10 McDunn sucks his lips in and looks pained .
11 His shoulders lifted towards his ears as if to help the grin along .
12 ‘ If you like , ’ she replied , and knew she had infuriated him when he thrust his hands into his pockets as if to prevent himself from taking hold of her and shaking the daylights out of her .
13 He jammed his hands deep into his pockets as if to prevent himself from reaching out , touching her , taking her …
14 Matthew , the six-year-old , leans against Howard 's chair , scuffing his feet about and reading from his Janet and John book , On We Plod .
15 Screaming in fury , Rohmer lunged to the spot where he had vanished , stamping his feet as if dancing on Gilbert 's grave .
16 He cleared his throat and looked down at his feet as if assessing the shine on his boots .
17 Philip put his glasses on and stared at the boy .
18 He puts his glasses on and looks at it .
19 Slowly he stripped the black thread from his fingers , peering at her through his glasses as if wondering who she was .
20 On 17 June 1952 a Fellow of Magdalene College walked down Trinity Street in Cambridge and was suddenly aware of the regius professor of divinity waddling ahead of him and throwing his arms about and muttering gloomily to himself , ‘ Hell !
21 ‘ Seen the crowd ? ’ asked the Duke , buckling on a wooden sword and striding up and down the narrow space , waving his arms about and muttering to himself .
22 Finn opened his arms as if to embrace her but she was still holding the tears in her eyes with her fists .
23 The Mason nodded and made scooping gestures with his arms as if inviting Gabriel to give him a hug .
24 A policeman held out his arms as if heading off a loose horse .
25 Ibn Fayoud turned away from the girl , smiled warmly and held out his arms as if greeting an old friend .
26 He spat on his hands as if to give himself courage , then settled on the wall on his hands and knees .
27 ‘ Agreed , ’ Joe said , and held up his hands as if to say , See , no deception … would I lie to you ?
28 ‘ Your friend has so much talent and she 's so … ’ he waved his hands as if trying to snatch words from the air , ‘ … she has this gift of firing one 's imagination without talking too much .
29 He had actually held up his hands as if to ward off something evil .
30 He glanced past C'zinsit at Jehan as he spoke , and raised his eyebrows as if seeking comment .
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