Example sentences of "his [adj] [noun] if he " in BNC.

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1 The scandal would ruin him and mean the end of his political career if he should be named as corespondent in a divorce case .
2 There might be a real risk of embarrassment to his full-time employers if he were asked to act for a client in his spare time who was on the other side of a case in which his main employers were engaged .
3 This way we 'll meet the man on his bloody way if he 's coming . ’
4 How blessed you are to live in such a lovely part of England — It is a source of IMMENSE pleasure to me that JONATHAN is such a keen mountaineer and is to make his home here — it will be nice for John in his old age if he , John , deigns to come back to Britain , the native land of which is so very critical , but to whose change or improvement he does what ? ? ? ?
5 I would even say something nice about his new-fangled haircut if he were to say something hopeful to the London borough of Newham .
6 At this distance it is impossible to tell if Gert could have made more of his early life if he had been given the chance to make use of the ‘ creative ability ’ spotted early on by one of his helpers .
7 He still smarted from his treatment at the military prison , but realised that he must try to control his violent nature if he was to amount to anything .
8 You will also receive half your husband 's graduated pension and all of his additional pension if he contributed to SERPS , so long as this would not take your pension above the maximum you could have had if you had been earning at the upper earnings limit throughout .
9 94 , the plaintiff , a seaman , claimed that the defendant , the captain of his ship , had promised him five guineas over and above his ordinary wages if he would perform some extra work in navigating the ship , the promise having been made , when the ship was in danger , to induce the seamen to exert themselves .
10 Paul would be going against his papal oath if he accepted collegiality .
11 He is at his best on soft ground and would be a danger to all off his present mark if he could find his best form .
12 M. Dupont , so far as I could observe , was not contributing to the discussions , and it was hard to tell from his sullen demeanour if he was attending carefully to what was being said or else deeply engrossed in other thoughts .
13 GRAHAM GOOCH will be allowed home from England 's tour of India to sort out his troubled marriage if he wishes .
14 But Federal Justice spokesman Viktor Schlumpf said yesterday : ‘ He will lose his resident status if he can not prove he has a professional link here . ’
15 He was told he could suffer permanent damage to his vocal cords if he went ahead with the shows at Birmingham 's National Exhibition Centre .
16 Of course , where Dorothy was concerned , that was his only strategy if he wanted to secure her in the end .
17 In the next six months , as Italy faces the responsibility of hosting next summer 's World Cup finals , Vicini is likely to need all his inner calm if he is to keep his head while all about him people are becoming a little agitated .
18 In the next six months , as Italy faces the responsibility of hosting next summer 's World Cup finals , Vicini is likely to need all his inner calm if he is to keep his head while all about him people are becoming a little agitated .
19 Why did n't you say you 'd be his fucking shadow if he 'd give you tenure ? ’
20 Mr Gergen will best serve his new boss if he reminds him of the strengths of one of his old ones .
21 ‘ I wonder … if I could presume , Major … to ask if you might ask one of his fellow officers if he is still on the base ?
22 There is no point in a defendant blaming his defective brakes if he was going so fast that nothing could have stopped him , or in blaming a puncture if he was driving on a tyre that was worn down to the canvas .
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