Example sentences of "his [noun sg] had [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His sister had been restless and Dunbar had had to fight queues of people at the bar to buy drinks in the interval .
2 Nick had landed the job of editor and when he had told Harriet about it his enthusiasm had been infectious .
3 Of all his kinsmen , it was hardly surprising that his favourite had been gay , great-uncle Edward — his father 's bête noire .
4 Zapata strenuously denied opposition claims that his election had been fraudulent and stated that he was standing down to avoid " endangering the possibilities of peaceful coexistence " with rival political forces in the state .
5 He should not have been ashamed of his grandfather , of course , but his upbringing had been pitiful , constantly on the march from one to another of a whole series of ‘ uncles ’ — there were several between his father and the solicitor — so that he had nothing stable in his life at all .
6 Like many others , Schellenberg had seen it as employment , not as a political ideal , and his rise had been astonishing .
7 His hair had been white for as long as Burun could remember , but this was the first time his age had seemed to affect his behaviour .
8 Richard Rowntree , the chairman of the bench , told Mr Smith that if they had taken the view that the ill treatment of his stock had been deliberate , their decision would have been a lot different .
9 His coaching had been minimal , but all his strokes came from the textbook and he was never once known to play across the line .
10 Now , his car had been unscathed in the wee knock but he felt aggrieved that she had not checked .
11 The judge told Cranog Jones that his plan had been ingenious , but warned him that as a magistrate , he would have a hard time in prison .
12 Since the building of that dam his terrain had been harsh , brutal and bad .
13 He had been so blinded by his need for her light that he had failed to see how deeply he stood in her shadow , and his work had been frustrated thereby .
14 His fall had been fast and far , but it had been almost worthwhile , almost , and one day , one distant day , there was the dream of a flight beyond the borders of the Motherland .
15 During the war his home had been far away from bombs and at the end of it his father had come safely back .
16 Collor reportedly ordered Eduardo Texeira , appointed as the new head of the state-owned company Brazilian Petroleum Corporation ( PETROBRAS ) , to investigate allegations by his predecessor Luis Otávio da Motta Veiga that his dismissal had been corrupt .
17 His laughter had been natural to him , but this , this removed tranquillity , was more so .
18 Kirkman Finlay who was represented by an advocate at the district meeting complained that his opponent had been guilty of bribery and corruption and had thereby disqualified himself .
19 His nature had been over-mature and he had been focused so much on his career that he had never had a great deal of time for his family .
20 Then , too , his reaction had been unexpected .
21 Lucien knew his imitation had been perfect .
22 His pa had been worried , too .
23 At her elbow the candle burned with a steady flame , which was more than that perspiring fool of a doctor with letters after his name had been able to say about the Colonel 's heart .
24 The last thing she wanted to do was to encourage their flaring in response to an incautious comment , especially as , since he had got his own way about her not flying out that day , his behaviour had been impeccable .
25 Over the three days that Forester had been observing , his schedule had been consistent to within a few minutes either way .
26 He and his wife had been involved in offering support and assistance to the family whose eight children had been removed the previous November .
27 It was in that ugly repository of polished pine , acoustic tiles and garish , sentimental stained glass that he and his wife had been married , and in a flat in the rectory , living above the parish priest , that they had made their first home .
28 Mr Parfitt 's brother , Phil , confirmed that his wife had been worried by cancer scares — but had been given the all-clear .
29 He was pleased that he and his wife had been able to talk to the doctor but he was still not sure that he understood about either the X-rays of his bowel or the surgery which might be necessary .
30 His Court had been notorious not only for its exclusivity and lack of responsiveness to the public at large but also , as experienced by those who frequented it , for its tedium .
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