Example sentences of "his [noun sg] and [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She became his favourite and when he died he left her £100,000 and his Orangefield estate .
2 In his relief , he dropped his pouch and as he stooped the open box of matches spilled around his feet .
3 ‘ Obviously if we can get his support and if he comes up trumps , it will be marvellous , ’ she said .
4 But then if that not conceded or protest not sus sustained , that would the letter would come back to the Official letter would come back to the branch secretary you see , and he would look at it , and he would put it to his branch and if they wanted to go further , that went to Euston House , the N U R headquarters , Euston House .
5 Dick is a trespasser , as the occupier was unaware of his presence and if he had known of his presence , would have objected to it .
6 And do you remember we went to er David 's er , one Sunday with me to his grave and when we come out of cemetery that public house across the road
7 At his trial and after it he played his part superbly .
8 He flicked back the cuff of his jacket to glance at his watch and as he did so he saw that he was still carrying Maidstone 's hat .
9 He went back to the shaving mirror to comb his hair and when he had finished he pushed a folded handkerchief into his sleeve with quiet satisfaction .
10 He dared not pull away , even though he did not want her to feel his changing body , but at this point one of her gentle caresses touched the corner of his mouth and before he could stop himself his mouth was on hers , and restrain himself as he might it was a lover 's kiss , not a friend 's .
11 A large hand smacked into his mouth and although he bit at it the thumb was forced like a gag between his teeth .
12 There were too many memories and resentments stored up inside his mind and while he sat there , waiting for her to die , he thought about them .
13 ‘ Hoskyns ’ , said one of the astringent colleagues who disapproved of him , ‘ went to Berlin and they muddled his mind and when he came back he could never get it unmuddled . ’
14 The thought of his wife jarred him guiltily out of his fantasy and when he glanced up Karen was smiling at him .
15 It was alleged by his widow that Thomas Flete , as agent of Clemens , ‘ … him feloniously slew and murdered and clove his head in four parties and gave him ten deadly wounds in his body and when he was dead they cut off one of his legs and one of his arms and his head from his body to make him sure ’ .
16 Her father was only interested in his family and his business and although he took the Evening Express , only read local news .
17 She had never been involved in his business and as it grew , saw considerably less of her husband .
18 It may be influenced by his upbringing , age , social environment , family background , intelligence , education , interests and of course his job and where he lives .
19 Aggie accompanied the gangling totter to his cart and when she peered into the cardboard box and saw the kitten she shook her head sadly .
20 In the tent that night we eat smoked trout and Odd-Knut tells us that the previous year there was a fight on his team and after it was over and the dogs were moving again he saw blood on the snow .
21 Lessees are sometimes astonished to be told that in spite of obtaining planning permission with their landlord 's knowledge , they still require his consent and if he is not inclined to give it , the means of getting him to agree can be difficult , slow and expensive .
22 Perhaps they had more confidence in Mortimer as a commander than they ever had in Edward II : Mortimer held the lordship of Trim ( County Meath ) in right of his wife and although he had been defeated by Edward Bruce in Meath in December 1315 , he had shown some skill in restoring order in Ireland after the Bruce invasion .
23 Mr Anderson went across to his home to inform his wife and when he learned of the family circumstances he immediately paid Mrs Stevens £50 .
24 Physically in terms of his character and where he 's going .
25 His shrug on arrival said more than his smile and when he left an hour later there was no shrug and not much of a smile .
26 Your vet will choose the right food for him , so please take his advice and if you are concerned , ask questions !
27 I was his assistant and when he wanted flowers he would send me to the Old Covent Garden at 4.30am to buy hundreds of pots of chrysanthemums which would then be sold off at the end of the day , thus serving a dual purpose as decoration and a means of recouping some of our costs .
28 Wexford brought his beer and as he passed them the man got up as if to take his leave .
29 I knew he had something more than Liza and me because we 'd seen him when he had his bath and when he lay in bed in his short shirt .
30 That was the way we became his followers , the way we got saved , it 's the way we continue , it 's the way and it 's the only re the only method by which we will ever stand before him and he will usher us into his presence to stand eternity with him , through his grace and as we see others , not in a sense of condemnation , not in a sense of self righteousness or pointing the finger , as we see others we can say with that man of old who , as he watched the , the man being dragged , to the , to the gallows , there but for the grace of God , goes I , goes me and there but for God 's grace , think of that most , that worse condition that you know , think of that person who has messed their life up more than any body else and er , who has made a total wreck of it , there but for the grace of God is you and there 's me , oh thank God for his grace .
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