Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [adv prt] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And it fits : you 'd expect Cyril to be puking his heart out when they got home .
2 He eased his horse round and they ambled along the ridge until the ground fell steeply away and a great valley stretched below them , a silver river sketched through it .
3 Towed his car off and they , you know , they , they 've got a car like and
4 Harvey got a piece of canvas out of the front of the car and then pike took his overcoat off and they wrapped the coat into the canvas and strapped it up very tight on a long strap , the other end of which they fixed to the belt of Ralph pike 's overalls .
5 Rogers put his nose down and they escaped into the chaos .
6 Marcus rolled his sleeve down as they walked along .
7 He 's probably only in the mood cos he 's probably upsetting them on his night out cos they go out in the evenings .
8 Lin Foh seemed incensed , but kept his voice down as they reached the outside steps of the Coroner 's Court .
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