Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [vb past] [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 His sister had come over with her family from the next valley and was standing just behind him ; Shaun had flown home as well , a taller , broader Wayne-that-might-have-been , but he had n't yet come out of the church .
2 His old worries about his heart had come back , and he thought he was maybe starting an ulcer .
3 Evangelically he strove , even if his Archdeacon had given up .
4 In spite of being so fair , his skin had taken on quite a deep tan in the few days they had been there .
5 His skin had taken on a more normal pink tinge , but there was still no heartbeat .
6 His skin had picked up a glow from the lilies on the table .
7 , do what his mum had phoned in about it .
8 They had quarrelled all the time and his mum had slammed out and left all the washing-up in the sink which he and Gary had to do when they ran out of plates .
9 But that was last week and this morning his luck had run out .
10 She was still trying to cope with what she was beginning to realise was her over-reaction , though she could n't have said quite why she should feel so alarmed , when he told her coolly , ‘ You misunderstand me , Miss Everett , ’ and was on his feet too as , looking arrogantly down at her , he stated bluntly , ‘ Should I ever be so lucky as you suggest , then , be sure of it , I 'd throw away my rabbit 's foot , ’ and having forthrightly left her under no illusion but that should he ever get saddled with her then he would consider his luck had run out , he went on toughly , ‘ I already know the answer , but , for the record , I want to hear it from you — are you just playing around with Travis for the pure hell of it — or , ’ his voice had taken on a grim edge , ‘ are you in love with him ? ’
11 His grant had run out before his thesis was completed .
12 All his hair had dropped out and his behaviour was deeply disturbed .
13 He tried to smile but he could n't smile properly : one side of his mouth seemed dragged down .
14 His scepticism appeared born out , and a shadow was cast over the final communiqué ( featuring commitments to the 1975 Helsinki Declaration , and institutionalizing annual Balkans conferences ) , by the news that Albania 's foremost writer , Ismail Kadare , had defected on Oct. 25 to France [ see this page ] .
15 In an announcement which took everybody by surprise , Dr Cameron Bowie , the Director of Community Medicine for Somerset Health Authority , revealed that his department had carried out its own survey on young leukaemia incidence around the existing Hinkley Point power stations .
16 Mr Patten spent much of yesterday emphasising that he wanted to respect local decisions , and that once the regions and his department had worked out overall allocations , it was for local electorates to decide where they put the bricks and mortar .
17 The landlord Les Helm could not afford the rent payments under the new lease as his rent had gone up sevenfold .
18 He felt an immense relief that his nerve had come back , but he also felt ashamed that he had enjoyed the discovery .
19 We spent a pleasant evening with Bob at the Springfield Hotel , the most northerly pub , in the British Isles where , amongst other anecdotes , we were told about the customs officer from Lerwick who was staying on Unst one very wet and stormy night , and awoke to find the roof of his bedroom had blown off .
20 Lee and his stepdad had come out of the shed .
21 Lawrence thought his side had let down the fans .
22 Lawrence thought his side had let down the fans .
23 His trouser-leg had fallen back , exposing the elasticated suspender circling his diamond-mottled calf .
24 It was not until she noticed a bill on Todney 's desk , to be authorized by Stephen as complimentary , that she knew his half-brother had checked out of the hotel without so much as saying goodbye to her .
25 Police say that at about 11am a man reported at the Green Garage service station that his car had broken down nearby .
26 I gave him a lift into Honolulu one night when his car had broken down .
27 This particular morning , because his car had broken down , he was unable to take Mum to work and he had decided to have a lie-in .
28 A CONMAN stole cash from a restaurant manager … then demanded a lift into town because his car had broken down .
29 But his mind had clouded over again at the wrong moment and now it was too late .
30 But the Charlie Bubbles character , which Finney played , his marriage had broken up and he was n't getting on with his kids .
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