Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [coord] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 Champion , who was known for his chipping and putting and who was a noted teacher of the game .
2 To get out of bed , for instance , the patient is turned onto his side or lifted and then brought into the sitting position on the side of the bed .
3 He waved his ID and smiled and the clerk did n't even jack in to check it .
4 It took McAllister all her will-power not to wrench it from his grasp and to see and devour her work in one go .
5 Some people at the church door caught his eye and smiled and bowed respectfully but others looked away and exchanged glances with grinning friends .
6 John threw back his head and laughed and Anne laughed with him .
7 " Tell Master Amyas , " he said , loud enough for Amyas to hear , " that if his benighted father has anything to say to me , then let him get on his ass and come and say it to me direct , because he wo n't get me setting foot on his popish property , not while there 's breath in my body , he wo n't . "
8 Jealous of Lubor ? ’ and did n't know where she was when , as if he did n't think much of sitting opposite her in one chair while she had the huge couch all to herself , Ven suddenly moved from his chair and came and sat down next to her on the couch .
9 ‘ Kabir worked at his loom and sang and his songs washed the stains from that woman 's heart and by way of return found a home in her sweet voice .
10 His Mum got up off his bed and went and opened his cupboard .
11 That evening the man emerged from his bed and came and sat on mine .
12 The rule in Rylands v. Fletcher applies only to things which the occupier brings onto his land and collects and keeps there .
13 It is very much a ‘ real ’ novel ie Dickens writes about society at his time and reflects and comments on it .
14 Pion nodded to his mother and came and stood by Masklin , who could n't think of anything to say .
15 One guy had already arranged to sell his house and go and live in the Caribbean in 1998 because , as he said , ‘ You might as well have a decent last couple of years . ’
16 Plaintiff alleged that officers of the king broke into his house and searched and took documents .
17 And if it was dirty , he would go back to his office and phone and phone the yard master and say , So and so coach dirty .
18 Whether they have too much or what they have but , I mean they 're just they just think everybody owes them something , and it 's like Neil , I mean , to me I mean I ca n't see why he ca n't get off his backside and go and work in a supermarket but it 's not the job they want , the same answer I said
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