Example sentences of "his [noun prp] [noun sg] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 IT 'S business as usual , Bryan insisted as he finally emerged from his Chelsea home to face the press — but he had n't reckoned with PC — Police Clamper — Nigel Legge .
2 He left a box of matches and rags outside his Cardiff shop to make the fire look like a Halloween prank .
3 On Jan. 30 the Agence France-Presse news agency reported that some 20 Moslem clerics had been arrested in recent weeks and that a 40-year-old preacher had been sacked and condemned to 80 lashes in December after he had used his Friday sermon to insult the leaders of a Saudi women 's association .
4 Yet there is nothing to show in the trophy cabinet of his Harpenden home to commemorate a romantic chapter in Middlesbrough 's history .
5 Lean times were to follow and three years later we find him using the backs of sheets of his Jedburgh map to draw a privately commissioned plan .
6 In 1922 he left his Worcester parish to run the church of St Edmund King and Martyr in Lombard Street in the City of London , a non-parochial cure , which left him free for his major postwar work as ‘ messenger ’ of the Industrial Christian Fellowship , which had come into being in 1920 as a result of the amalgamation of the Christian Social Union and the Navvy Mission Society .
7 It has proved impossible to determine whether the French LFA farmer is better off financially having loans compared with his UK counterpart receiving a capital grant ; the indications are that the UK system has been a greater incentive , especially towards land improvements .
8 His Virginia estate includes an 850-acre game reserve , where Mr Kluge last year advertised an ‘ authentic British shoot ’ .
9 The inhabitants of his Shropshire parish had a clear sense of belonging to a local community within a wider neighbourhood — hospitality and neighbourliness were common ideals — but it was the family that was of prime importance .
10 The Bonnyrigg battler constantly pressurised his Edinburgh challenger to secure a unanimous decision and book a place in the ABA semi-finals at Gateshead on 13 April .
11 Today for the first time Cyril Reenan allowed the cameras into his Abingdon home to see the sophisticated radio scanner that started it all
12 Thomas Fairchild ( 1667–1729 ) was already known for his City Gardener , with its advice on flowers , evergreens and shrubs suitable for London gardens and another member , Robert Furber , who experimented with many new trees and plants in his Kensington nursery numbered a horse chestnut with a scarlet flower amongst his novelties .
13 But as he proved at Knowsley Road on Sunday , although he may have descended into relative obscurity he still possesses exceptional powers of motivation , with his Dewsbury side producing the most impressive performance of the Regal Trophy so far .
14 Now , Mr Major wants his Bonn speech to set the tone of future relations with Europe .
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