Example sentences of "'s [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Provisions amounting to £5.1m have been made against Harland Simon 's total exposure of £5.1m at 31 March 1992 .
2 In the 1980s such asset-liability reviews are assisted by computerised accountancy systems which can present information on a bank 's total exposure by country or customer on a daily basis .
3 The two main actors create a reflective , needy relationship together made all the more poignant by the airman 's total lack of English and Jones 's zilch German so that they communicate haltingly and stiltedly , mirroring the route of their hesitant trust .
4 Midge 's total lack of emotion prevented him from sharing his own grief with her and he found that unbearable .
5 Cleveland 's total bill for school vandalism over the last 12 months rocketed after an arson attack on Greengates School , Redcar , when £800,000 worth of damage was caused .
6 The most important aggregates we examine are : ( a ) the economy 's total output of goods and services ; ( b ) the total demand for this output ; ( c ) total employment and unemployment ; ( d ) the general price level ; ( e ) the balance of payments ; ( f ) the rate of economic growth .
7 The plea bargain agreed between Exxon , the Justice Department and the state of Alaska had set the company 's total liability at $1 billion : $900m of this was a civil settlement to meet costs incurred by the government in cleaning up the 11m gallons of oil spilt into Prince William Sound ; the other $100m was a fine , payable to the Treasury , to settle the four criminal charges .
8 An increase of 31% ( to £40.1m ) in fees for work in this area over the year — including the administration of the Maxwell Communication Corporation , and debt rescheduling for Heron Corporation and WPP — lifted PW 's total income to £395.1m , up 2% on last year 's .
9 A system of ‘ pack years ’ , which quantified the smoking volunteer 's total level of smoking , was also developed .
10 It is unlikely that radicals are responsible for the body 's total defence against Plasmodium infection , however , and antibodies are probably involved in fighting the later stages of infection .
11 By the late S the CNES annual budget still hovered just below I billion dollars , but this relatively modest sum represented over 40 per cent of Europe 's total expenditure on space .
12 Consider someone 's total state of consciousness at a particular moment , comprising various perceptual experiences , thoughts , imaginings , feelings and so forth .
13 All stress the role of grace and man 's total dependence upon God for salvation : they point out that good works are not the result of human will-power but are in some mysterious way the actions of God himself .
14 The latest estimates put the SADCC 's total target for funds at $6,300 million for a total of 490 projects , of which $3,000 million was already in place , 80 per cent of it in the form of foreign aid .
15 All the same it is extraordinary to find the Roman Church ( 1 ) acquiescing in Constantine 's total indifference to Jesus ; ( 2 ) deferring to Constantine 's presentation of himself as the Messiah ; and ( 3 ) acknowledging the definition of Messiahship — that is , a military and political figure — embodied by Constantine .
16 We are all hoping at least to double last year 's total number of riders . ’
17 The report , the result of a three year survey and third in a series named Seabirds at Sea , found that more than half of the world 's total number of breeding pairs of Manx shearwater , puffin , gannet and black guillemot live off the west coast of Scotland and in the Irish Sea .
18 Bringing the WSR 's total number of stations back to ten , Britain 's longest preserved railway can now boast as many operating stations in Somerset as British Rail once again !
19 Tabulating the percentage of " long " turns ( over 40 words ) out of Anderson 's total number of turns taken within each scene yields some revealing results .
20 All the fresh water in the world 's lakes and streams represents barely 0.01 per cent of the earth 's total store of water , which is mainly saline .
21 All the fresh water in the world 's lakes and streams represents barely 0.01 per cent of the earth 's total store of water , which is mainly saline .
22 Another example of their do-it-yourself attitude to touring is the band 's total control of merchandise .
23 Will my hon. Friend confirm the Government 's total commitment to adult education and its comparative cheapness in providing excellent courses for so many people ?
24 There were arguments with the ANL on the day ; these stemmed from the ANL 's total disregard for Mr Sahitharan 's family ( murdered by racists ) and the Deane family ( brutalised by the police ) .
25 There are 40,000 or so more-or-less Slav-speakers on the Greek side — the Greeks will not be specific — out of Greek Macedonia 's total population of 2.25m .
26 There are a couple of blemishes on the maple which look like black drips from where the pickup cavities have been painted , which is a little careless , but luckily these are not too noticeable sitting as they do underneath the player 's right arm during use .
27 Thus it became certain that Rennenkampf could not , for at least two , possibly three , days , come to Samsonov 's aid and that the entire German Eastern Group could , therefore , assail Samsonov 's right wing with impunity .
28 AUDLEY LUMSDEN lines up on Oxford University 's right wing against Cambridge next Tuesday haunted by the chilling words he heard on a March Saturday in 1989 .
29 MARK JONES , the 16-stone Welsh forward in trouble after being sent off for a punch in Hull 's fiery clash with Warrington , is in more hot water .
30 The boy 's hedonistic love of naturalist pursuits is linked to a sense of oneness and wonder , if only at rare recorded moments .
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