Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] there was [art] " in BNC.

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1 In Blake 's case there was a further complication in that Blake was already a Russian agent .
2 In Mrs Joe 's kitchen there was a doctor , and Joe , and a group of women .
3 Seemingly , the only reason for people 's settlement there was a good supply of underground water .
4 During the next day 's march there was a sudden commotion at the back of our straggling caravan .
5 Similarly the militias of the civitates seem to have relished the opportunity to plunder neighbouring districts ; in the wake of Chilperic 's murder there was a particularly savage conflict between the men of Orléans and Blois on the one hand and the men of Châteaudun and Chartres , just to the north , on the other .
6 He guided them to a respectable 8-8 record last season , but with a cluster of outstanding players on the club 's roster there was a heavy weight of expectation for the campaign which began four weeks ago — notably from Davis himself .
7 As soon as he pronounced that the picture was the original painting by Wtewael , two police officers appeared and arrested the bewildered dealer , who claims that on Bock 's desk there was a book of the ‘ Hundred most wanted paintings ’ missing from German museums since World War II , its page opened to a reproduction of the Wtewael .
8 Within Kelly 's body there was a war going on .
9 During the last days of Knight 's governorship there was a significant change within the central management of the AFPFL .
10 As for government style , Sir Geoffrey warned that in spite of Margaret Thatcher 's revolution there was a pervading temptation for the country to revert to its ‘ besetting sin ’ of complacency .
11 To Leonora 's relief there was no nightmare that night , nor in the nights that followed .
12 In line with the government 's objective there was a reduction in the top ( from 83 to 60 per cent ) and standard rates of income tax ( from 33 to 30 per cent ) in the 1979 budget , and a shift to indirect taxes .
13 For the rest of Russell 's life there was a constant tug of war between the very real religious sentiments which he expresses in passages like those and his sceptical attitude towards established religions .
14 ( See Wordsworth 's poem There was a Boy for an illustration of this . )
15 While much was achieved in improving safety standards , towards the decade 's end there was a series of accidents that perhaps shocked the public more than anything since Harrow & Wealdstone in the very early days of nationalisation .
16 This was a anti-tank and it fired a bomb and of course we put a demonstration on firing this and then we was up the Bell Lane end and right at the top by Bailey 's farm there was a row of seats , benches , along the walk there and of course the demonstration was we 'd show them imagine those seats are tanks course we never thought in the world we should ever even get near one anyway we hit one and broke it Cos they , they , I mean they was only dummies , they were n't , I mean there was no explosive just the dummy shell you know and we , we was quite pleased with ourselves being as we 'd got an audience .
17 But since this sudden , amazing improvement in the Baron 's health there was no reason for him to remain .
18 In Elizabeth 's reign there was a Government campaign to glorify his memory , and Foxe devoted 100 pages to him in his Book of Martyrs .
19 English composers preferred the votive antiphon , hymn , and respond , and in Mary 's reign there was an outburst of Latin psalm-settings by Tallis , Tye , Sheppard , White in particular and others .
20 Down the bottom of Maureen 's garden there was a natural-looking waterhole ( a muddy puddle , actually ) for the ducks that roamed around wherever they pleased .
21 Then with school looming ominously on the next day 's horizon there was a stampede home to see who could be first in bed .
22 Way back at the beginning of the club 's history there was a Ramsbottom as hall porter , and the wags in the club shortened it to Ramsbum .
23 The National Bank was built as early as 1830 and in JTR 's time there was a comparable expansion of its administrative function just as today with all branches of government represented within a hand 's throw of the Square .
24 After Mrs Deacon 's death there was no change in the pattern of life at the rectory , and Nahum 's comforts remained the same .
25 After Ibn Tulun 's death there was a period of confusion and decay before a new conquest by the Fatimids from north-west Africa in 969 .
26 " On the top of the hill near King Darzin 's palace there was a garden and here his many children and his chief followers ' children used to be taken to play by their mothers and nursemaids .
27 In each embassy he knew that had a Legal Attaché 's office there was a lady who looked like everyone 's mother , and who did the confidential typing and the greeting downstairs .
28 At the beginning of the Secretary of State for the Environment 's speech there was a fusillade of Government interventions .
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