Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] have always [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 St James 's Park has always had Blaydon Races as its anthem but in the Sixties and Seventies there were many others .
2 Neville Southall 's talent has always set him apart from most of his rivals .
3 Women 's tennis has always had its administrative uncertainties .
4 Women 's tennis has always had its administrative uncertainties .
5 The Peace People 's work has always included a prison visiting service .
6 The dead woman 's husband has always maintained some-one knows who killed his wife .
7 Despite a large Roman Catholic following and a Catholic convert , Phyllis Bowman , as its national director , the society 's leadership has always insisted that it is not — unlike its ally Pro-Life — a primarily Catholic organisation .
8 The church , which throughout the centuries , following Christ 's example has always felt that the obligation to serve the sick and suffering is an integral part of her mission ( Dolentium Hominum , n .
9 But Cray 's music has always shown the influence of more forms than the urban twelve-bar .
10 ‘ Well , responsibility for another 's life has always terrified me , if that 's what you mean . ’
11 AEA 's success has always depended on being at the forefront of science and technology .
12 For Esteban Vicente , still busy at work in his Bridgehampton studio as he enters his ninth decade , the sweet blarings of Fame 's trumpet have always had more than a little in common with the songs of the sirens .
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