Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] on this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ashton in Lancashire , and urged Manager Ronnie Rooke to sign him — there was to be no doubting the quality of Mr Slade 's judgement on this occasion , as Palace fans of the early 1950s will agree .
2 May I please support the Sheriff 's stand on this matter as the speed limit legislation seems to be based on remarkably little logic ?
3 The fact that there is a right of appeal here demonstrates the importance of the LEA 's decision on this matter .
4 I am aware of my hon. Friend 's expertise on this subject and his concern about it .
5 Some passengers felt too enclosed , but the driver 's seat on this model could be heightened , which solved the problem for me .
6 the Mercedes 190 , also so deficient in this department , Munich 's thinking on this subject might be different .
7 Thus the question of Bridget Freemantle 's influence on this point , though intriguing , is not crucial to an understanding of Leapor 's poetry .
8 I 'd be interested to hear anyone 's opinion on this subject , but do bear in mind that in any case we almost always mention construction materials , talk about frets and pickups , in addition to commenting on nut width and fingerboard radius during the course of a review .
9 In our judgment , not only can the judge 's conclusion on this issue not be so stigmatised ; we think he was right .
10 In 1953–4 , the prosecutions of Lord Montagu , Peter Wildeblood , Robert Croft-Cooke and Michael Pitt-Rivers focused the nation 's attention on this campaign .
11 Mr Whitney-Long 's evidence on this aspect was unsatisfactory : indeed the weight of his evidence in cross-examination was that they did not so rely in any material way but relied on other matters .
12 Does the Secretary of State recognise that the Government 's inaction on this matter has resulted in ’ Options for Change ’ being a shambles ?
13 All contributions to the pulse echo from anywhere along the line XY , which in practice means the two patches of the planet 's surface on this line , corresponds to unique values of a certain two quantities which no other points on the surface possess .
14 We signed a year 's lease on this place but it ai n't worth the paper it 's written on .
15 THE publisher 's comment on this book compares it with The Organisation Man and Future Shock , claiming that once in a while a book so accurately captures ‘ … the essence of its time that it becomes the spokesman for that decade ’ .
16 Mr. Leonard 's comment on this authority is that the use by the draftsman of the simple language so praised by Lord Diplock does not avoid the necessity for construing this particular phrase in accordance with strict legal principles .
17 The Secretary of State 's authority on this matter has been accepted , not out of docility or in the belief that the Secretary of State for Scotland is infallible in curriculum matters : it has been accepted because it is very obviously based on a clear national consensus .
18 Yet should there be any misconceptions of Jesus 's seriousness on this matter , when asked by Peter if he should forgive seven times ( perhaps interpreting Jesus as putting a limit on forgiveness ) Jesus replies , ‘ I tell you not seven times but seventy-seven times ’ ( Matt. 18:22 ) .
19 In less difficult country , such as the Irish midlands , he was an advocate of railways , and later reproached the government 's commission on this subject with the inadequacy of the network it proposed for Ireland .
20 In retrospect , this seems to have been the meeting which prompted the remaining employers to make their final concessions , but that was not clear at the time , and several of the orators , some of whom have already been quoted , loosed off broadsides against the women 's union on this occasion .
21 The Conservative party 's vision on this issue is clear .
22 North 's acquittal on this technicality put in doubt the outcome of the case against another Reagan administration official implicated in the Iran-contra scandal , John M. Poindexter ( National Security Adviser in 1986 ) , who was appealing on identical grounds against a six-month prison sentence handed down in June 1990 [ see p. 37525 ] .
23 But the daughter 's silence on this matter is a measure of the price you have to pay for survival .
24 De Gaulle 's lucidity on this point was eventually justified by events , but not before the Americans had made a concerted effort to eliminate him as a political force .
25 The editor writes : The Registrar 's position on this question is stated at p 98 of this issue .
26 Dicey 's position on this question is seen most clearly in his attitude to federalism .
27 I believe that a Christian 's position on this matter recognises the necessity for state action but goes on to argue that much of education , health and other welfare services could be quite adequately provided through the private sector , with the result that people would be free to exercise greater freedom of choice and also exercise greater responsibility over their lives .
28 Erm I think if I could start by explaining the Borough Council 's position on this matter and that 's that the Borough Council is committed to the concept of an orbital road system around Harrogate and Knaresborough and that should be as part of a balanced transportation package for the area .
29 Moreover , Miller and Friesen ( 1986 ) have tested Porter 's position on this point and concluded that differentiators do also employ cost-leadership strategies and that cost leaders do employ differentiation policies .
30 Woosnam 's partner on this occasion is Mark Mouland , 84th in Europe this year .
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