Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] was the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The second factor in Cologne 's rise was the contribution by the Aachen chocolate magnate , Peter Ludwig , of his extensive collection of Pop Art and Russian Constructivist works .
2 The practical key to Arsenal 's rise was the balance effected between defence and attack , to meet the new conditions of the changed offside law .
3 The Gloucester 's stand was the turning point of the Korean war .
4 Depending on favours for a substantial part of one 's livelihood was the vulnerability which Mary Leapor was reluctant to assume .
5 Er yes there the three things I got out of erm yesterday 's course was the thought patterns the Aldershot method and the delivery .
6 The boy 's existence was the horror he spoke of .
7 The core of the meeting 's decision was the adoption by 18 votes to six of a resolution which would allow commercial hunting to be resumed when stocks had reached 54 per cent of their estimated population prior to large-scale exploitation .
8 Liberals saw this as evidence that the dominions were more interested in going their own way , but Unionists retorted that Canada like Britain had been led astray by a radical government and that Canada 's decision was the result of Britain 's failure to offer preference .
9 The alleged inspiration of the song from Pete Hamill 's story was the subject of a lawsuit in the 1970s and some have suggested that Mr Hamill 's story is fiction , not fact .
10 DeFreitas 's miss was the turning point of the day , with Kambli on 39 of his eventual 164 not out when the Lancashire all-rounder misjudged a straightforward boundary catch off John Emburey .
11 Nobody associated with Irish rugby put one and one together and decided that Mullin 's preparation was the training of the future .
12 KARL FAIRBANK 'S try was the difference as Bradford set up a Regal Trophy quarter-final against holders Widnes on Sunday at Odsal .
13 In Iraq as in Iran , the country 's backbone was the oil industry , now entirely under Iraqi control , though a number of foreign companies concluded service contracts with the Iraq National Oil Company ( INOC ) .
14 The greatest cause of Charles 's despondency was the feeling that he served no useful purpose
15 But what struck like an ice-cold knife into Owen 's heart was the group of six or seven men standing in the middle of the road , between him and the fire , laughing and jeering at the villagers ' puny efforts to save their homes .
16 Posterity 's loss was the art world 's gain , as the recipient of the tetchy man 's largesse was his adopted son , the late William McCarty-Cooper , whose remains of the Cooper legacy , comprising important paintings and drawings by Gris , Picasso , Braque and Leger , are due to be sold by Christie 's New York on 11 May .
17 Commentators suggested that the key factor in the Marxist MLSTP 's defeat was the country 's economic crisis , marked by labour disputes in recent months and exacerbated by collapsing world prices for the country 's economic mainstay , cocoa .
18 The other explanation put forward for Allende 's defeat was the role of the ‘ privileged ’ , the ‘ bosses ’ and the ruling elite — the transport workers ' strikes which inflicted serious damage on the economy and are referred to as the ‘ bosses ’ strikes ' .
19 Among those she held responsible for her party 's defeat was the President , Ghulam Ishaq Khan who , she claimed , had " wanted to keep the PPP out " .
20 But now these controls over processions have been erm extended to cover static large meetings , and erm I would think that at the back of the draftsman 's mind was the spectre of mass pickets , things like that .
21 And somewhere tucked away at the back of one 's mind was the knowledge that every crystal in the vast whiteness , though too small for the human eye to see , was fashioned like a flower or a star .
22 Yet the sound that dinned most irritatingly into Marian 's mind was the calling of the cuckoo that seemed to follow them , now near , now far , throughout the day .
23 Fresh in the market 's mind was the shambles which has engulfed TVS following its expensive foray into the American television market .
24 But at the back of the yet-to-be father 's mind was the belief that his professional life would continue while his wife did some mothering .
25 She was very good at giving Bible classes , but in Angel 's mind was the face of the pretty milkmaid who hardly ever thought of God .
26 Moreover , my main objection to Mr Graham 's analogy was the implication that this ‘ dignity ’ was something one possessed or did not by a fluke of nature ; and if one did not self-evidently have it , to strive after it would be as futile as an ugly woman trying to make herself beautiful .
27 By then , the DIA had satisfied itself that Asmar 's murder was the work of drug-trafficking elements in the Lebanese Forces , the ultra right-wing Christian faction whose secret war council complex was barely half a block from Asmar 's office in Karantina .
28 Winger Ford 's clincher was the climax of a week which turned tragedy into happiness for him .
29 Mrs Reid 's religion was the love of humanity and she found it hard that the first women 's college should win so very little understanding or support at its outset , especially from men .
30 However it should be borne in mind that this is a particularly volatile sector of the market and April 's figure was the peak monthly performer since last August .
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