Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [vb mod] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He was proud that their freedom parade and service and the mayor 's installation should be joined together in this way .
2 In April 1990 a new system of Independent Taxation was introduced , following longstanding criticism of the assumption that a woman 's income should be regarded as part of her husband 's for tax purposes .
3 The Citizen 's Income will be buttressed by a single benefit for those in need , unifying income support and family credit , with supplements for people with disabilities and for child-care support .
4 Then each person 's income can be related to three broad categories of factors :
5 The figure by which a second borrower 's income can be multiplied , or by which the two incomes added may be multiplied .
6 For example , increased responsibility for school finance results in the need for forecasts of future pupil numbers so that the effect of such numbers on the school 's income can be predicted .
7 Today 's buyer can be assured that the colours , whether from natural or synthetic dyes , will only improve with age .
8 The media department then works out how the client 's money should be spent .
9 The hon. Gentleman has for some time been against the original fast rail link through Kent and south London , and we have learnt tonight that he is against the current project , apparently because he believes that all British Rail 's money should be spent on saving his neck by improving the lousy commuter service that his constituents have had to tolerate for 13 years of Tory misrule — to use a well-known phrase from a couple of decades back .
10 Mr Chairman , it 's just , just the sort of reason why we did n't su did n't support spending eight thousand pounds on , on some low pay unit , this is just the sort of thing that we feel that , that Committee 's money should be spent on .
11 He always forgets that , with the Inland Revenue , we are considering how much of a citizen 's money should be handed over to the state , whereas in matters relating to benefits we are considering how the taxpayer 's money is handed out on our behalf .
12 The smaller reduction in the Medical Research Council 's trial may be accounted for by the high rate of drop outs and deviations from the protocol .
13 Applications for the new Queen 's award will be sought in the summer , with the first winners announced on 21 April 1993 .
14 President Clinton 's award will be decided early next month when Congregation meets .
15 Nonetheless , since the sea waybill 's text may be needed by the consignee or by customs brokers or authorities , it may be transmitted electronically to the port of destination .
16 A case might be made for this ( although there is no other evidence for it ) and so substantive interference in Ulpian 's text could be taken to be limited to generalization or to the addition of per omnia .
17 If Bagehot 's text can be regarded as authoritative for the golden age of parliamentary government , then Albert Venn Dicey 's Law of the Constitution , published in 1885 , came to be regarded as authoritative for the period of parliamentary democracy since then .
18 It will be precisely through such products with support from national and EC funds that the effects of the region 's peripherality will be reduced over the coming years .
19 Caroline 's comment : Faith is right to think that breast or formula milk is the best choice for Jake until he 's a year old although cow 's milk can be given from six months .
20 If the preceding analysis is correct , then Gundovald 's support can be seen to depend on three different groups : there were members of Childebert 's court , seemingly anxious to keep their options open until the king was recognized as being of an age to rule ; there were men who had been followers of Guntram , but whose positions had been compromised ; and finally there were military leaders who had been in the service of Chilperic , but who had been too far from court at the time of his murder to ensure their survival under Chlothar II , whose own succession could scarcely be taken for granted .
21 The company 's brand may be recognized as being associated with a whole range of products with similar environmental usages and styles , such as kitchen utensils , office equipment etc .
22 Using Egan 's approach to problem management described above , Sally 's case may be used to demonstrate that she will benefit more if she can be helped to focus on what are , in her opinion , the most pressing problems .
23 On the contrary , it is a matter of great urgency that the mother 's case should be heard because , at the end of the day , it may be that these children should live in the future with their mother .
24 For present purposes the plaintiff 's case can be summarised as follows .
25 Sally 's case can be explored further .
26 The prosecution 's case could be summarised in four short sentences , Mr Goldring told the jury .
27 The Union 's case will be set out by their senior life member , Ken Harris , who said this week he will relinquish his post as a trustee .
28 Brandt was determined to develop co-operation with eastern Europe in the hope of reducing tension in Europe and building up the independence of eastern states , and he believed that East Germany 's existence must be treated as a reality .
29 His confidence that God 's existence could be demonstrated from the natural world made him a favourite target for those who felt it could only be on the basis of God 's special revelation of Himself that faith could be justified .
30 Where belief in God is concerned , Newman accepted that God 's existence can be doubted , and that there is no possibility of the mathematical certainty which can be achieved in the case of equations .
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