Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Ward 's counsel also suggested that at the time of her original trial large amounts of vital evidence had not been passed on to the defence .
2 ‘ Meaning ’ theists and ‘ meaning ’ atheists are able to accept that a common definition of ‘ God ’ can be found and the evidence for and against God 's existence duly weighed and argued over .
3 Barnes 's decision therefore came as somewhat of a slap in the face to these well rehearsed points .
4 TEENAGERS looking over Queen 's University today found that research there helped put a ferocious roar into Steven Spielberg 's Jurassic Park dinosaurs .
5 Ken 's enthusiasm never diminished and up until his recent heart trouble his work rate for the club was never less than 114 per cent .
6 ‘ La Malfa 's resignation just shows that anyone who has been involved in government for so long can be involved ( in corruption ) , however pure he may claim to be , ’ he said .
7 AEG 's experience thus guarantees that the availability of energy can be relied upon at all times .
8 He turned , looking at the child , seeing how the boy 's chest now rose and fell gently , as if soothed by his voice , then turned back , smiling , beginning to mop up the spill .
9 Alison 's heart probably slowed because of the anaesthetic together with pressure on a nerve from a tube going into her throat .
10 The child of one of her lodgers died in her house in April of an undiagnosed heart complaint — the tiny thing 's heart simply stopped as it lay in its cot — and though she was sorry for it and sympathetic to the last degree she was aware that inside herself she shrugged and felt none of the horror and distress such an event would once have caused her .
11 Maybe that is why — unlike some drivers with a more refined sense of a balance sheet — it was Mario 's practice always to travel and live first class .
12 The Lieutenant 's horse still lashed and kicked on the road .
13 Fisher 's study also suggested that recall was not a good measure of whether a road sign had been heeded .
14 The Minister 's Department now concedes that it can not check every farm in every year .
15 Davies 's research also shows that some 40 per cent of land in inner London is unsuitable for growing vegetables .
16 On the other hand , we would add that the lesson of Hegel 's , Marx 's , and Sartre 's attempt also suggests that history can not be coherently essentialist and teleological either .
17 Berger 's methodology only works because there is the implicit assumption of a non-distorted theory as a possibility with which distorted forms can be compared .
18 But behind these was known to be God 's Enemy variously named as ‘ Satan , the devil , ( a false accuser , slanderer , calumniator , ) the evil one , the ruler of this world , the prince of the power of the air , Belial , Beelzebub , the god of this world , the destroyer , a murderer from the beginning and the enemy . ’
19 But flustered John 's ordeal only ended when police went to investigate what was causing the two-mile tailback near Gateshead .
20 The strain of the couple 's pact clearly showed while they were together yesterday .
21 Similarly , Sauguet 's cat probably thought that his owner needed help , and rushed over to lick the hands from which the sounds seemed to be coming , as a way of comforting him — just as a mother cat would rush across to lick the fur of one of its kittens if the young animal appeared to be in distress .
22 A day 's work still to do before the Sabbath and they would have sore heads in the morning .
23 Would the shed 's inhabitant necessarily guess that Mungo had been the uninvited visitor ?
24 But this traveller 's bible also says that there are an awful lot of buses in Brazil .
25 But Nutty 's team just ran when they were doing other things , like to school or to the refrigerator factory , and Nails ran up to Carter 's field every night and down every morning and swam a few lengths of the Smiths ' pool to get the smell of compost off him when the others complained .
26 Experiments with ZETA were underway in 1957 and Thonemann 's team successfully demonstrated that they could produce quasi-stable highly ionised plasmas with densities of 1013 to 1014 ( ten to one hundred thousand billion ) particles per cm 3 , at temperatures of about 5 million degrees for times of milliseconds .
27 Wednedsay 's announcement still implies that the crucial science base of the NCC is to be split between Scotland , Wales and England , and the Chief Scientist 's post abolished .
28 No , Steen 's behaviour certainly suggested that he regarded her as a threat in some way .
29 Patterson 's evidence plainly indicates that there has been a gradual swing away from front values in the past century or so .
30 Harman herself warned that men 's libertarianism only meant that women became the common property of the herd , instead of the property of one man .
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