Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [prep] being [adj] " in BNC.

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1 a cetacean 's fear of being human
2 The West Country 's joy at being able to combine quality and tradition in the shape of brand-new brown-and-cream-liveried bus-based four-wheeled diesel units for local branch services turned to dismay when their long wheelbase caused ear-splitting squeals on tight curves , and they had to be rapidly replaced by the thirty-year-old DMUs they had supplanted , fortunately not yet scrapped .
3 Yet these have also been the first two years of the Making Belfast Work programme , which if we are to believe the glossies , is the answer to structural unemployment of over one third of the workforce in West Belfast , using even the government 's definition of being unemployed .
4 Fraser 's relief at being able to resume a career that looked destined for a premature encounter with the scrapheap is manifest .
5 Living in an area of expensive detached houses can serve to reinforce one 's sense of being middle-class .
6 The Australian 's frustration at being unable to find chinks in Marshall 's defence was expressed in arguments with the referee .
7 Press bias ( that is , reading a right-wing or left-wing paper ) had a relatively large influence upon Thatcher 's image of being willing to listen , caring , and likeable .
8 Thatcher 's image of being tough and decisive was the least predictable — not , of course , because these two labels seemed inappropriate but because there was such general agreement that they were appropriate .
9 The original reasons for seeking a Royal Charter remain : it would give greater status to the Association , its members and indeed the whole industry ; we would enjoy the endorsement by the Privy Council to our qualifications for membership ; recognition by the Privy Council would add weight to the Association 's opinion on issues when lobbying Government or debating with others ; our members would have the Privy Council 's endorsement of being true professionals with the opportunityfor a Corporate member to be called a Chartered Hotelier or a Chartered Caterer .
10 Ramsay feared for CTC 's survival without being able to tour more extensively and increase its box office income .
11 He expresses scepticism about Frankfurt 's boast of being able to fill their stadium for every session : ‘ I do n't think they will get 9,000 every day , but I would have achieved that here , where we have developed an audience for the game .
12 Kirk Douglas 's reputation for being difficult has , in recent years , become something of a joke , even for those who have been on the receiving end of his temperament .
13 This confirms Hanson 's reputation for being able to spot cheap assets and sell off unwanted parts profitably , but it also gives rise to the charge that Hanson is involved in asset stripping .
14 From the outset we can see that Freud 's theory , while being sociological in its understanding of individualism as social product , has the advantage over Durkheim 's sociologism in being able to account for creativity and for change in human societies .
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