Example sentences of "'s [noun] [to-vb] [noun] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Although Sartre 's inability to effect self-totalization is often presented as a failure , the movement of history that he describes is increasingly enacted through his own writing .
2 A slightly better idea may be to prepare a separate set of terms for use in consumer transactions , since the supplier 's freedom to restrict liability is more restricted in such cases , and exclusions are less likely to be held reasonable .
3 The counsellor acts primarily as a resource for clients , and it is the clinical team 's responsibility to ensure assessment is undertaken by an appropriate specialist so the ‘ best ’ decision is made in the interests of the client and potential child , as well as any existing children .
4 In times of recession , turnover rents are more favourable to tenants because the tenant 's liability to pay rent is related to his ability to pay .
5 Whether recovery from anaesthetic takes place in a recovery unit or surgical ward , the monitoring of the patient 's condition to prevent complications is a nursing responsibility supervised by qualified staff .
6 Iraq 's capacity to sustain war is being destroyed .
7 ‘ Instead it can , for example , be based on the argument that any particular agent 's capacity to absorb information is finite , and that broadly therefore the smaller the unit to be controlled the greater the likelihood of competence sufficient to make the necessary judgement .
8 Another way to measure an individual 's capacity to pay tax is the amount of capital assets he or she may have .
9 The Secretary of State 's capacity to make grants is at present limited to £1,500 million .
10 Simple calculation reveals that so that the optimal policy is a slow increase in the rate of growth of the money supply until the government 's propensity to create inflation is revealed .
11 India 's population to surpass China 's by 2011
12 The Government 's desire to assist charities is seen in concessions to individuals , such as Gift Aid , payroll giving and covenants , but the Chairman remarked that it makes no sense if the Institution has to hand the money back , and more through Value Added Tax .
13 The guide 's aim to influence practice is reflected in its residential child care focus .
14 He admired Vincent 's refusal to take Kee 's ‘ no , never never ’ at its face value .
15 Prices have increased way beyond the rate of inflation and the Government 's legislation to check monopolies is a complete fiasco .
16 The band 's approach to live work is idiosyncratic .
17 The driver 's duty to accord precedence is absolute except for the circumstances mentioned in Burns v Bidder [ 1966 ] 3 All ER 29 .
18 The existence of man 's ability to enjoy beauty is not a contentious subject and it is universally accepted as ‘ good ’ .
19 The speaker 's ability to plan utterances is not sufficiently good to allow planning and production to co-occur smoothly and without interference ; and so there are periods when production must suffer if planning is to proceed .
20 The well-tempered individual 's ability to maintain order is precarious when he is located in a terrain which is uncontrolled .
21 If our energy is not used , then our body 's ability to provide energy is also lost .
22 However , young children 's ability to develop language is extremely robust , and unless there are additional cognitive or emotional problems , children learn the language of their community even under conditions where exposure to adult input seems to be remarkably impoverished .
23 Jose 's point about the media 's ability to incite trouble is borne out in one case which involved radio broadcasts .
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