Example sentences of "'s [noun] [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Up to then he had respected his old friend 's command abjuring him from creating the vortex .
2 The second lorry ran into the car 's side sandwiching him in the wreckage .
3 Liz had felt herself to be close to Naomi , as she nursed Naomi 's children , slept with Naomi 's husband , took tea or sherry with Naomi 's parents , helped to form the childish letters which her stepchildren wrote to Naomi 's parents thanking them for presents , for outings .
4 Armoured Hearthwares with red sashes belting their middles laboured on to the battlements with the defender 's weapons pounding them like smith 's hammers on an anvil .
5 She found herself swept off the bed and across to the long sash window , then stood on her feet with Roman 's warmth supporting her from behind , his arms wrapped around her .
6 Hypocrisy of this kind derives from the agent 's conscience telling him of his evil , while his desire not to appear evil causes him to feign goodness .
7 Seasons : At an altitude of 2,475′ ( 750m ) , this mountain crag faces NE and gets morning sunshine , with the top third of Titan 's Wall receiving it in the evening .
8 The council houses , of fudge-coloured brick , stood in two rows and a horseshoe shape with a screen of Leyland 's cypress hiding them from the village .
9 The first specks of light rain fell on Trent 's face as he looked up to see the motor yacht 's captain studying him from over the brilliantly-varnished taffrail .
10 In dreams he 'd drifted through these rooms , and heard the Maestro 's voice summoning him up the stairs , up ! up ! , to the room at the top where Sartori had worked his work .
11 Or was it ? she wondered , her memory reaching out to the feel of Silas 's arms holding her against him , and to his lips resting upon her own .
12 Only the playwright 's doctor warning them of their responsibility should he die on the way , prevented them carrying out so insensitive a duty .
13 Only a mass revolt by AFBD members — which is unlikely - or legal action by particularly aggrieved firms , for example the Commodity Trad ers ' Group , can prevent the great majority of those firms which wish to continue doing business with Americans from signing the commission 's order exempting them from the full rigour of its rules .
14 He was dressed in close-fitting grey trousers that emphasised the length of his legs and a short-sleeved cotton-knit shirt , also in grey , a striped butcher 's apron protecting them from fat splashes .
15 In a personal injury action where the plaintiff prepares the summons it may now be served by the plaintiff 's solicitor sending it by first class post to the defendant at the address stated in the summons under Ord 7 , r10A .
16 But even as he prayed he could hear the voice of William 's grandad berating him from under the lid of the closed coffin .
17 Pinise Saul 's vocals added a spine-tingling force to a mid-tempo theme , Dave DeFries 's flugalhorn complementing her with brisk fluttering phrases .
18 What a ruthless bastard he was , she found herself thinking , the pain on Stephanie 's face touching her despite the other girl 's undisguised hatred .
19 We liked to think that this was one of Rona 's sentinels seeing us off the premises .
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