Example sentences of "'s [noun] say that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The convicted man 's counsel said that Mr Kevin Sarbutts was given £6,500 by an assistant commissioner at Scotland Yard after the trial .
2 An early prologue attached to Mark 's Gospel says that Mark wrote after the death of Peter in Italy .
3 Most of the Bank 's economists say that Africa 's performance has been disappointing not because the gospel is wrong , but because it has not been properly implemented ( Marxists , mind you , say the same thing about communism ) .
4 A lady I know who saw his mother 's funeral said that Yeats would n't go into the church .
5 At the Marquee , Phil 's father said that Ralph was using us — he just wanted us to play tonight and then it was all over , we 're finished , so why did n't we finish now ?
6 Alec 's father said that Alec was indeed one of the four A. Davidsons in the telephone directory — the Rev. A. W. Davidson .
7 A story in today 's People says that Tyson , serving six years in prison for rape , has signed a deal with British promoter Frank Warren .
8 In a statement on July 15 Shamir 's office said that Israel would take a " positive view " of Assad 's reply if it enabled Israel to conduct " direct and unmediated negotiations with Syria " .
9 Sighvat 's poem is known to be incomplete , but surviving verses do not mention the battle , and Ottar the Black 's Knútsdrápa says that Cnut opposed or threw back ( hnekDir ) the Swedes there , and describes him as their withstander ( prengvir ) , neither of which is resonant of overwhelming victory , Indeed , if Holy River was known only from the Chronicle entry one would think it a defeat , but Ottar is unlikely to have included a famous reverse in a list of Cnut 's achievements , and the royal title used in the 1027 Letter ( see below ) suggests that he did eventually claim suzerainty over some Swedes .
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