Example sentences of "'s [noun] [conj] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My first job is to learn Saatchi 's activities and to do a good job of selling the consulting businesses , ’ he said , in a reference to the company 's previously announced plans to sell its management consultancy arm .
2 As expected ( UX No 386 ) , Olivetti used its event in Rome last week — see front page — to steal Pyramid Technology Corp 's thunder and introduce a 24-CPU version of the MIPS R3000-based LSX 6500 transaction processing systems which are rebadged MIServers from the Mountain View , California-based company .
3 We have of course made it clear that those techs who were piloting er the out of school childcare initiative er will continue er to be funded er along with all other techs from ninety four , five and although of course I can not preempt the tech 's judgement and take a view on that particular scheme , er I can say that funding will continue for techs for that purpose .
4 In Mr Hickman 's case that meant a pension of £20,408 a year .
5 Whilst you are waiting for the expert help to arrive , there is no reason why you should not take the person 's case and find a remedy for him .
6 In many respects they were not deceived by the images of life portrayed in women 's literature but had a very realistic idea of what married life held in store for them .
7 The water helps to keep the elephant cool and clean ; and the dust may encrust the animal 's skin and provide an extra layer of protection from biting flies .
8 Community workers on Skerne Park last night praised the county council 's decision and welcomed an end to the threatened bus boycott .
9 ‘ I opened Keith 's shirt and saw a bullet hole just a little bigger than my middle finger nail .
10 Parents like to see the headteacher 's initials on their child 's reading card , they appreciate that the head is taking a personal interest in their child 's progress and keeping a general eye on activities in classrooms .
11 It 's a pilot 's favourite and has a reputation for being safe and reliable .
12 In a speech on Jan. 10 , however , the South Korean President , Roh Tae Woo , " welcomed " Kim 's proposals and repeated an earlier invitation [ see p. 36892 ] for the two leaders meet " as quickly as possible " .
13 On Nov. 12 , URD-PCT supporters had erected barricades in central Brazzaville , blocking the capital 's two main avenues , as the two parties called on Lissouba to accept the government 's resignation and to appoint a new prime minister from the parliamentary majority ( the URD-PCT alliance ) .
14 Internal dynastic disputes in Hungary in the fourteenth century , and the advance of the Turks into Serbia following the fall of Dušan 's empire , weakened Bosnia 's opponents and provided an opportunity for the revival of the spirit of independence .
15 Item ten , which I think is the probations committee budget I will move to accept the probations committee 's budget and to agree an increased county council contribution of twenty-six thousand pounds .
16 That , that was the start , the start of it , I think how it actually commenced so they used to get in each other 's houses and play a few games of cards dominoes and draughts things like that , and they , they took over they must have actually bought the houses before they built the club .
17 In practice the express remedies were actually in many cases fairly limited , so that the effect of such guarantees was rather to avoid the manufacturer 's liability than to provide an additional remedy .
18 On Wednesday , he swallowed his pride , banked Dysart 's cheque and purchased a car with most of what remained from the cash he had brought back from Rhodes .
19 We assume , in both the individual and the political cases , that we can recognize other people 's acts as expressing a conception of fairness or justice or decency even when we do not endorse that conception ourselves .
20 Gents match , the Ladies driving from the men 's tees but receiving an extra half stroke benefit !
21 The struggle to avoid the wrath of divine judgement on the nation and conviction that the crisis of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars both revealed God 's displeasure and offered an opportunity to vindicate the nation 's purity , contributed powerfully to substantial ideological coherence over the slave trade , embracing politically a range from the Toryism of James Stephen to the liberal wing of dissent .
22 One apparent reason for the delay was the Bush adminstration 's fear that to conclude a free-trade pact in mid-1992 as originally envisaged would be an electoral liability in the US presidential contest , opening Bush to attacks from protectionists that he was encouraging US companies to relocate to Mexico in search of cheap labour while unemployment continued to rise at home .
23 Gedge , with help from Debbie Kaye , did most of the band 's administration and had an unquenchable thirst for hard work .
24 Gradually , the state of anticipation at Ballingolin began to subside like an inflated pig 's bladder that has a slow leak .
25 Lendrum et al took samples from the oseophagus of both normal volunteers and patients with Barrett 's oesophagus and found a significant correlation between rising pH and increasing concentrations of bile salts .
26 Even if we find it difficult to imagine the strength of feeling behind this ambivalence , most of us can recall or visualize the ambivalence in a parent 's action when given a ‘ friendly cuff ’ , or when threatened with a poised hand and a laughing voice .
27 MacEachan denounced the Prime Minister 's action and led a five-day Liberal boycott of the Senate .
28 He was ushered into the headmaster 's study and allowed a free call in privacy .
29 ‘ So we went through Thom 's mail and found an invoice for the furniture shipment to New Jersey .
30 At home it may in some cases be the parents who notice something ‘ odd ’ about their baby 's eyes or feel an unease about the baby 's visual behaviour .
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