Example sentences of "not be [vb pp] to [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Discussions about structures must not be limited to rather arid chicken-and-egg problems .
2 Budgets should not be kept to rigidly if conditions change significantly , but should permit reasonable flexibility .
3 Victim 's interpretations and memories indicate that victim studies can not be assumed to accurately reflect the ‘ real ’ extent of crime ; and the search for more reliable and direct indicators has included the development of self-report studies .
4 The conclusion derived from this is that if an object is such that in principle it can not be referred to directly and unequivocally with a simple symbol , only described , then it can not qualify as a fundamental ontological existent .
5 The base cost of the qualifying investment can not be reduced to less than zero by the rolled-over chargeable gain .
6 It is arguable , with some hope of success , that we can speak of a choice or a decision as an effect and not be committed to there having been a causal circumstance which was required for it , and speak of an action as an effect and need not be committed to there having been a causal circumstance that was — roughly speaking — prior in time to the agent 's initial neurophysiological activity .
7 It is arguable , with some hope of success , that we can speak of a choice or a decision as an effect and not be committed to there having been a causal circumstance which was required for it , and speak of an action as an effect and need not be committed to there having been a causal circumstance that was — roughly speaking — prior in time to the agent 's initial neurophysiological activity .
8 The Forum on Scottish Education has said the needs of schooling should not be used to further the Government 's wider interests in the council reform debate .
9 Unfortunately the mouse can not be used to actually enter notes and symbols , but keying the notes in is straightforward so this is no great hardship .
10 A space audit need not be restricted to simply shuffling people around a building and could take in aspects such as energy , said .
11 The Danish Prime Minister , Mr Poul Schluter , insisted that the future union could not be restricted to purely monetary issues but would have to involve an increasing convergence of economic policies and objectives for growth , inflation , and employment .
12 Regional banding could not be agreed to simply on the basis of national wage bargaining .
13 These differences exist from birth and can not be attributed to socially conditioned roles or the expectations of ‘ sexist ’ parents .
14 This difference can not be attributed to more enlightened guessing when subjects knew the title because recall of words closely related to the title and of words not closely related to the title was equally improved .
15 Hydrogen peroxide can not be added to extremely high levels of DO , because of its toxicity .
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