Example sentences of "not be [verb] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In these circumstances the child would not be rewarded for completing the task .
2 At the same time it affirms that academic staff may not be dismissed for holding particular beliefs or following particular lines of inquiry , and that senior staff may not be dismissed to be replaced by more junior , and cheaper , staff .
3 Cos they do n't actually , if you do something like that , say you put plus five , minus five and then sit down and , you 're the one that plus three and minus three you do n't actually lose marks doing something wrong , you can not be penalised for doing it wrong , you can only gain credit for doing something right , because they 'll , give you five marks to doing that bit right and then knock three off for doing something else wrong , they , they would never give you penalty marks , they will only credit for doing things right , but so often it 's quite like down as you want , you ca n't .
4 The structure plan can not be seen for providing for a major or sudden change in direction .
5 It can not be criticised for trivialising certain forms of rape by setting maximum penalties which are too low .
6 If however a special diet has been recommended by the doctor , you should of course see that it is possible for her to adhere strictly to this , and if she is amongst those who enjoy various products from Health Food shops she should not be criticised for having fads .
7 If advertisers can not be faulted for using mainly ‘ commercial criteria ’ rather than ideological/political ones in their decisions , it is nevertheless true that the outcome of those decisions in their totality have enormous implications .
8 If my servant , acting bona fide within the scope of his authority , procures or causes me to break a contract which I have made with you , you can not sue the servant for interference with the contract ; for he is my alter ego here , and I can not be sued for inducing myself to break a contract , although I may be liable for breaking the contract .
9 Most simply replace the existing rocker switch , but can not be used for controlling the fluorescent lighting .
10 The lexical procedure works by retrieving previously learned information about the specific letter string being read ( and so can not be used for reading non-words aloud , since the reader has never seen these before ) .
11 The non-lexical procedure works by applying rules specifying how a particular letter or letter group is to be pronounced ( and so can not be used for reading exception words aloud correctly , since such words disobey the rules : if you apply the rules to read an exception word aloud , you will produce an incorrect pronunciation , such as reading pint as if it rhymed with mint , hint , lint , etc . ) .
12 Royal Mail International services must not be used for sending dangerous goods such as aerosols , lighters etc .
13 Patterns can be affected by climate , which varies from region to region , so that a particular tree-ring pattern established in one area can not be used for dating timbers from another part of the world .
14 But the same argument can not be used for ignoring Europe .
15 They should not be used for turning nuts which are to be used again .
16 Third , the argument from error can not be attacked for relying on PC k .
17 Four years after the murder of ‘ little Gregory ’ his successor is still pondering the whole business , and until he makes up his mind Mrs Villemin can not finally be cleared of all suspicion , and her husband can not be tried for shooting Mr Laroche .
18 During a recession , the public can not be blamed for watching pennies in the hope that pounds wo n't disappear quite so quickly , but most Britons eat to live rather than living to eat , no matter how the economy is doing .
19 If we compare two twelfth-century texts , such as the Peterborough continuation of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ( East Midland ) and Layamon 's Brut ( South-west Midland ) , we could not be blamed for believing that they are in different languages .
20 There was no doubt that a custodial penalty was needed , and the sentencer could not be blamed for taking the view that he had to impose a sentence of immediate custody .
21 Political scientists can not be blamed for reporting this particular division of labour between the sexes .
22 Having spent many years arguing for government support for the British fashion industry — and getting nowhere — she can not be blamed for opting to manufacture and show abroad .
23 This is not so much a matter of transaction costs as of the unpredictability of offer and counter-offer : it moves economics into the realm of game theory , where efficient outcomes can not be taken for granted ( see box ) .
24 But the difficulty with this discussion is that it lacks a firm point of reference because it can not be taken for granted that there should be two levels of offence , rape and procuring sex by threats .
25 Lord Whitelaw and John Biffen come into the category of influential ministers whose views can not be taken for granted .
26 He admitted the terror but thought the balance could not be taken for granted .
27 As with all professions , medical and pharmacological competence can not and should not be taken for granted , as evidenced by the frequency with which new drugs are introduced and then withdrawn from the market after proving to be harmful , even fatal in continued use .
28 This is something that can not be taken for granted , as with the best will in the World , even the most expert goldfish keeper will suffer equipment failures etc. in his or her absence which can , during hot weather for example , lead to loss of fish or triggering off disease .
29 This can not be taken for granted , however , and it is worth fending off inevitable disappointment by making enquiries before signing any contract of employment .
30 He can not be taken for granted as simply ‘ there ’ in our religious sense , our spiritual depth , or our moral awareness , for he transcends , he stands over against all of these .
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