Example sentences of "not been [vb pp] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 For his part , Gould has voiced a degree of scepticism about Europe that has not been heard from a Labour frontbencher for many a long year , and has rescued ‘ devaluation ’ from the party 's dictionary of forbidden words .
2 Although CDTV is positioned as a multimedia platform , it has not been designed from the ground up specifically for the purpose .
3 In London the figure is only eighty eight point four percent but even the ninety five percent figure and the eighty eight four percent figures are artificially inflated because those elements include people who have died and not have not been removed from the register , people who have emigrated , people who have otherwise moved to other parts of the country and who it is unreasonable to expect will all be seeking to make use of postal or proxy vote facilities .
4 The general told a news conference that it had not been copied from the Americans , but because it was an ‘ easier , natural movement ’ .
5 Note the effect of the pizzicato chord for 1st violins and cellos at the beginning , and that the directions ‘ arco , unis. ’ , have not been omitted from the 1st violin part on its re-entrance .
6 If a faculty , or department , or a certain special group of students is missed out then the sample itself has not been drawn from the correct population .
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