Example sentences of "not because they be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I think all this campaign is not because they are thinking about the interests of poor people , that 's a lie .
2 When overseas students do present difficulties — and I am sure many academics will be familiar with distressing or scandalous cases — it is not because they are lacking in industry or intellectual ability .
3 ‘ May I remind you that one of the largest groups receiving social security are receiving it not because they are neglecting their duty , but because they are doing it ?
4 Giant clams rest with their shells slightly apart , not because they are waiting to trap unwary divers , but so as to expose the algae within the fleshy mantle .
5 I hope people buy ‘ underground ’ because they like it and not because they 're trying to understand it .
6 ‘ Mainly because they 're tired , not because they 're accepting it .
7 By the end of the evening I had come to feel sorry for the waiters who had so debased themselves by their participation in the comedy ; not because they were cheating the state , but because they never responded to anyone except as an object , a part of the system in which they were trapped .
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