Example sentences of "not [been] [verb] [prep] those " in BNC.

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1 As Arendt has pointed out , ‘ In all these cases , legitimacy derives from something outside the range of human deeds ; it is either not man-made at all … or has at least not been made by those who happen to be in power . ’
2 So far , the various Hawker pension funds have not been merged with those of its new parent company and the £512m BTR surplus does not include anything for Hawker .
3 Frodo indeed laughs himself : ‘ Such a sound had not been heard in those places since Sauron came to Middle-earth .
4 Patients who should be considered for adjunctive corticosteroid treatment are those with moderate to severe PCP — the benefit has not been found in those with milder forms .
5 At l'Estaque , Braque was working from nature but one feels that the forms in his painting have not been suggested by those of particular landscapes but rather that he has imposed on the natural scene his own austere , angular , almost geometrical form of vision .
6 It is depressing to see the predicted problems materialising one after another , and even more damaging to morale when it becomes apparent that the message we are trying to get across — that a so called free market is no way to ensure the satisfactory provision of health care to an aging population — has not been appreciated by those in a position to make a difference .
7 The theory of games and the Prisoner 's Dilemma had not been invented in those days but , with hindsight , we can see pretty clearly what was going on , and Axelrod provides a fascinating analysis .
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