Example sentences of "not [adv] because they [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 If Soviet women choose to ignore men 's dinner-time conversation it is not necessarily because they lack education : it may be that these women too have difficulty getting a word in and risk being verbally assaulted by men 's sexism .
2 But on the Carvin this is not so because they have set the on/off facility at such a point that only the ‘ send ’ side is affected , leaving your last reverb treated signal to die away naturally .
3 Quality circles have been seen as a major achievement of the Japanese system , and not only because they serve as a substitute for quality surveillance as a separate management function .
4 Even if these steps are narrow , and only wide enough for one or two people , they need a handrail ; not only because they get slippery when wet , but also because the earth gets pressed below the level of the wooden supporting boards , which could trip the unwary .
5 ‘ The reason why so many of Britain 's 16 year olds continue to grasp regular jobs , when they are available , are not only because they prefer immediate earning to studying or training , though the pay is usually a distinct attraction .
6 Krashen 's ( 1981 ) views are particularly relevant to the study of BSL , not only because they lay the base for a fundamental re-examination of teaching methods ( see appendix 2 ) but because they allow us to understand more clearly the language learning problems of BSL acquirers .
7 The definitions are , at this early stage of our knowledge of Myrinian culture , valuable in themselves , not only because they reveal something of the inadequacy of our own language , but because they throw some light on to the mysteries of an alien culture .
8 If experimental novelists metaphorically stare across the Channel , it is not only because they hope some valuable contraband — fresh styles from France — may be smuggled through English literary customs .
9 State provision is important for many elderly people , not only because they have to rely on a retirement or supplementary pension in the absence of income from employment or from an occupational pension , but also because they need the health and social services provided by the welfare state .
10 Needless to say a considerable number of indignant gallery owners have protested , not only because they have been demoted , but because the list which contains the details about which gallery is in which category has been widely circulated .
11 This is not only because they face a " bull market " for their skills , but also because they are a small and homogeneous population .
12 But is hardly less distressing to Israeli ‘ moderates ’ , not merely because they find oppression of another people morally wrong , but because of its dangerously divisive effect on Israeli society itself .
13 C-fos and c-jun are of interest , though , not merely because they provide a key mechanistic link between early events at the cell membrane and nuclear protein synthesis , but because they only become active in cells showing plastic changes , and they can be measured and localized with exquisite sensitivity by variants of the autoradiographic techniques I have already described .
14 The practices associated with harassment are so jealously guarded , not just because they articulate a culture of institutionalized racism within the force , but because they form part of a system ‘ workers ’ control' against the encroachment of line management .
15 I believe in low taxes not just because they ignite enterprise — the spark of economic growth — but because they put power and choice where it belongs : in your hands .
16 The figures on schooling and educational background are particularly revealing , not just because they disclose that roughly 90 per cent of the country 's judges received a public school education , or that over three quarters had attended either Oxford or Cambridge universities , but because they also confirm that this social profile has remained virtually unaltered over the last four decades or more .
17 but sometimes actually it 's a more , you know , kind of it 's , it 's , it 's not really because they 've got problems but it 's just because they , they 're , they 're , they 're sort of more diligent and more , you know , more motivated but erm yeah getting on
18 Not simply because they happen to run one of the best tavernas in the region , but because they 've always issued a standing invitation for me to bring anyone I care to . ’
19 What I tomorrow and not here because they forward it on to us .
20 These make persuasive reading , not least because they espouse the principles of sustainable management set out in Caring for the Earth ( see WWF Page , November ) .
21 Nearly ten years ago , in CD 's infancy , I was writing that most CD players sound like poor quality amplifiers , not least because they contain poor quality amplifier circuits , and little seems to have changed in the interim .
22 Although much work has been done in the decades since those words were written , it is still true to say that many texts in printed form do not reflect the contents of the original manuscripts with complete accuracy , although more recent printed transcriptions tend to be reliable , not least because they have usually been scanned by a number of scholars before publication .
23 The status of the second level nurse has troubled the profession for years , not least because they have been depended on as the mainstay of practical bedside nursing , while being expected to take on more responsibility than their training prepared them for .
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