Example sentences of "not [adv] a [noun] at " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand we can decide that this is not properly an intervention at all , but the paraphrased rendering of an insight about language whose formulation belongs not to de Man but to Proust .
2 The unease of the Chancellor-democracy is not only a protest at the executive power of the head of the government , but is also a hidden criticism of the opposition , which all too often fails to offer an alternative . ’
3 He finds it difficult , some times impossible , to make any change of direction in Government without trying to explain that it is not really a change at all and certainly not a change that Lady Thatcher would not personally have approved .
4 The third idea unacceptable to Christians is that Jesus was not really a man at at all but God play-acting at being a man .
5 Although you look like a child , you are not really a child at all because your mind and your powers of reasoning seem to be fully grown-up .
6 I 'm not really a frog at all .
7 For a start , it was not really a country-house at all , rather a monstrosity on the edge of Bletchley town , with suburban dwellings stretching up to the gates .
8 If , for example , you attend a meeting where the ‘ objective ’ is to ‘ discuss XY and Z ’ that is not really an objective at all .
9 There is not even an attempt at leadership .
10 This is not primarily a find-raiser at all , but is , rather , the hospitality we like to give visitors and helpers , especially those from other churches .
11 From left , standing , ( 33 years at Burston makes the longest serving driver ) ; ( newest recruit ) ; ex Eagle Mill ; ( not actually a driver at all ) .
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